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I think the key is to have it high enough to sit under, yet not so high that you cant reach everything. If you build it as an island or shelf, then you can go higher.

Mine is at 39" because I have to clear the framing under the basement stairs, but probably could have otherwise gone a little higher. If kids are involved, then favor the lower end. I'd say 36-48" is what most people have done... if you dont need to reach far and want more eye level height, you can probably go up towards 60".

My bench work is 42 inches average from the floor.  I learned early on that the floor in the basement is not level and leveled the bench work from the top down.  The ceiling joist are level.  The furthest I have to reach so far is 45 inches and I found that if I stand on a step stool I can reach back far enough.  My bench work is strong enough that I can put my 300 lbs. on it and once I get to the point of finishing the scenery I wont need to reach back that far.  The track will be closer to the front.  Pictures of my bench work are in a forum post titled "I've been working on the railroad room"


Jim Miller

Havre de Grace Maryland

I went with 38. I like viewing from eye level when running sometimes so I hace a rolling chair that works perfect for this. I have step platforms for the grand kids that moves easily. Keep in mind you will spend a fair amount of time under the layout so plan for any limitations you may have in movement. I have a bad left wing and I can easily get frustrated if I can't get to what I need to under the layout. 

Ideal height is a very personal matter.

Some folks choose a height that will be easy to work under, some choose for kids ease of viewing, and others choose a desired viewing perspective.  You need to decide what's important to you and proceed from there.

My yard, turntable, etc. are 50" above the floor with a subway beneath and overpasses at about 59.5".  We also have a logging line at about 68" which provides great viewing of the Shay and Climax that run there.  Everyone seems to like the perspective offeredat these heights and we keep stepstools around for the kids.

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