Originally Posted by shawn:
Ok, So by that response all remotes are automatically updated/synced when connected to the command base?
1) If I go over a friends housewith a cab2 and connect to his base. I will see his
programmed devices on my cab2?
2) I only need to back up the base with the utility to restore my engines etc?
3) Is there anything in the remote that needs backup? unique engine #'s assigned to
Legacy address? The recordings you mentioned?
1. Yes, you will see his devices only unless you load your engines on his base.
2. No need to backup your base but you can use the Legacy utiliy under version 1.51 to create a custom module that has your engines on it if you want to load them into your friend's layout. You could create a backup module and load you whole system onto your friend's layout but the configuration would be for your layout and not his.
3. You only need t backup your bse either prior to doing a software upgrade or if you say had your friend over running his engines that he loaded onto your base and after he left you want to restore your base with your engine roster only. As far as I know the recordings are only stored in the remote and therefore cannot be backed up.