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After having a Lionel O gauge catalog for a while (a 2011 Volume II edition), I finally got some time to look at what our three-rail cousins have in store.  Lionel is offering an Alco switcher in both Legacy AND conventional control.  The Legacy lists for $479.99 while the conventional version lists for $359.99,  difference of $120.  They also offer a GP-30 with Legacy for $499.99 and without for $378.99.  This is about what I figured the "sparky stuff" adds to the cost of a locomotive.  So why can't Lionel offer the same in the Flyer line?  Heck, they even admit that fitting the electronics into the U33C took a while and they ended up designing a board to fit. If offered without the electronics, it would have been available sooner.


There have to be more guys out there who would also like to have the option of deleting Legacy, or TMCC, or whatever they dream up next.  Frankly, a horn and bell are all I would like, and sometimes not even that. 





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When Lionel first started producing TMCC equipped O gauge locomotives they offered a conventional "command upgradeable" version with horn/whistle and a bell, along with a full TMCC/Railsounds version.  Used upgradeable versions used to make their way through the local shop, but not many of the full versions.  Casual observations told me folks wanted full sound even if they didn't want TMCC, and the O gauge community isn't one where a lot of folks will swap boards.  


As a side note, I picked up an upgradeable O gauge Dash 9 from that same shop.  Adding TMCC and Railsounds is a simple board swap, but I didn't bother with the Railsounds.  The horn and bell are very good and the open-frame motor growl sounds a little like a  prime mover :-)

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