Recently I was studying MTH's Leipzig tinplate station, (external dimensions and what is included in the announced price). It is a replica of Märklin's historic original. It is just the main bulding and you need to build additionally several parallel 40"...80" long platforms. So, I made a 'paperplate' mock-up before I produce a tinplate platform...

The language and the text style inscriptions can be changed according to the station main building, because it can be the altered Leipzig station or the Canopy station or whatever tinplate station building (original or replica)...
The platform consist of several queued modular pieces with various stone textures.

The German text is typed in Gothic or Fraktur font just to indicate a pre-WWII era...

The height of the platform fits nicely to the Lionel tinplate tracks...

The length of the platform can be stretched or reduced depending on the available space of the layout and also depending on the length of the parked train.