Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:
Stan's got the right idea. If you used a simple one-pin tether, you could ship the DC voltage (referenced to frame ground) to all the cars. The lead car would have a large capacitor to prevent flicker. I'd probably opt for a smaller cap and put them in each car to distribute the capacitance.
Quieter trucks? Maybe rubber tired wheels.
OK. If I want to start simple ( with what I have a pile of already), I could
1) stay AC
2) Run a string of LEDs in series (with single pin connectors between cars).
3 )In my observation car, I can tie into both wheel pickups. In my baggage car tie into both roller pickups.
This eliminates the drag from the wipers, allowing me to extend PE and run slower.
As to quieter trucks. John, John, John. I don't want to open the flame wars, but On my raised tressle with Realtrax, that is 1/2 on piers I/2 on a plywood platform, 6 MTH passenger cars (not Premier), 1 MTH boxcar run VERY quietly at slow speed.
Same track, floor level, the PE is the noisiest thing in the room. ANYTHING I can do to quiet it, I wil try. I stuffed the cars with camera case like foam, below the window line.I conductalubed the wipers.
I don't mind the sound, when I'm sitting on the computer and enjoying the layout,butif folks gather in the room, I have to shut the PE and just run the 3 MTH loops at slow speed. The PE drowns all 3 and interferes with conversation. I've weighted the loco, going so far as to removed the smoke element (allergies or the perception thereof, preclude smoke use anyway). This is the last thing I can think of.
If this works, I'd buy plastic wheels for the powerless cars ala n scale in a heartbeat to quiet the train.