I'd like to place some buttons along the outside edge of my Christmas layout for guests to activate accessories. I'd like to use red and/or green arcade game style buttons that light up...
1. Are the buttons "momentary" where the guest must keep it pressed to keep an accessory on? Or do the accessories run one "cycle" or to completion with a momentary activation? Or perhaps there's a follow-up question about timers and such.
2. Are the button lights meant to be on all the time? Or do the button light comes on when the accessory is running? Or maybe a button blinks to indicate "press me" and then turns off until the accessory is ready to be activated again?
I had a button activated smoke-generating accessory at a public display. To keep the kids from running it constantly, I ended up including a timer to limit how frequently it could be activated. A light in the activation switch would come on indicating "ready".