>> Hi Ed, Does one have to sign in to see the forum on the S Sig site?
Yes -- sort of. One has to register (just like here) to become active on the S SIG forum. That is a one-time task. Signing in is only needed if you do not access the forum every day. If, like me, you check in once in the morning and once in the evening, there is no need to ever sign in again. Otherwise, you will have to sign in to post or read messages on the S SIG web site. Any time you do not access the S SIG forum for 24 hours, signing in is required.
You can arrange for a daily digest to be sent to your email address. Then, there is no need to sign in just to lurk. Daily, weekly or monthly digests are possible. You can even specify the time of day you want your digest created. East coast fellows arise early. Californians wake up later.
You can send messages privately to any other S SIG member. Like here at the OGR, it is all free. Voluntary donations are accepted via the Home Page, but it is totally voluntary. No pressure. No advertising. Just S info and photos of all kinds.
When I click forum on the header there are only two posts there dated 2011 or something like that
Are you here: http://sscale.org/ or somewhere else? I suspect you are elsewhere. There are nearly 350 members with 2,100+ postings grouped into about 400 topics neatly arranged in an index.
so I always thought the site discussion forum was dead Regards, DaveB
Not dead at all. Be aware that it is a scale S-oriented forum and so questions/comments about AF or high-rail are considered off topic. The S SIG definition of "scale" means compliant with NMRA track and wheel standards. But with a little advance thought, many questions can be posed in a way that do not involve AF specifically. The recent postings about Kadee couplers and magnets is a good example of that. Other similar examples are photos and discussion about Lionel/AF offerings which comply with NMRA scale standards. Thus, the recent L/AF modern diesels with scale wheels are considered on topic.
All in all, the S SIG is a good source of modeling information of most any kind. Electronics, scenery, layout planning, product reviews/announcements, layout visits, modeling articles, etc., etc. The only hurdle is to keep the conversations germane to scale modeling as opposed to emphasizing tinplate products.
Since it is free, no reason not to give it a try. If it you don't like it, you can depart at any time. There are no handcuffs.
Enjoy.......Ed L.