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I took my LionChief Santa Fe Super Chief#159 Starter set down last night and started running it on my layout again, only to find out that the passenger cars somehow are "grabbed" by the electromagnet occasionally of my UCS remote track sections, causing random uncoupling!  I have to mention that I'm using the old tubular track, and NOT the Fast Trak. I even disconnected the controllers to those UCS sections, to no avail.  I was supplying independent voltage to terminal 3 of the UCS's, (14 volts), and thought maybe if I temporarily disconnect that it would be a solution, but that did NOTHING. Anyone else experience the same phenomena? Somehow the Santa Fe passenger car trucks are shorting something out on the UCS sections.

What's even more mysterious is that this does not happen if I run the starter set on my inner loop, which also has one UCS.  I looked at the various UCS sections, and observed that the only difference I can see is that on the inner loop section, the electromagnet contact sits FLUSH with the orange insulator, while on all my other UCS sections it appears a little raised. I'm stumped. Why would that cause the electromagnet to activate?  I'm guessing that a  more feasible explanation might be that  perhaps the rollers are a little too wide and maybe they're tripping the magnet by bridging across two of the rails? Is it possible that this popular starter set is only compatible with Fast Track, and NO UCS sections or tubular track? (hard to believe). What am I missing here?

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It is possible for a wide pickup roller to bridge to one of the fifth rails and energize the magnet. I stopped a TMCC locomotive on a UCS track and with 18 volts on the the track the magnet coils started to smoke. There was no wires attached to the UCS. Since I wasn't using the UCS I just removed it.

Well, it took a long time for me to figure this de coupling problem out, but I FINALLY found a solution. It's CRUDE, but it WORKS!  Using my fingers, I managed to spread the two rails adjacent to the center rail on the UCS's out just enough so that the pesky WIDE pickup roller didn't bridge and energize the magnet. It was a little tedious, because on some of the UCS's I had to take them off the track and rebend the "tangs" underneath to make them a little more solid, but now the Santa Fe 159 LionChief Super Chief starter set is running on my tubular track layout with NO UNCOUPLING on ANY of the FIVE UCS's!!!!

I even hooked the #3 controller wire back up to provide separate 14 volt power to the UCS instead of the 18 volt track voltage.  (OUCH!) Another reason I spent the better part of the day trying to solve this problem is I am waiting for a TMCC Sante Fe War Bonnet engine to arrive and pull those nice shiny Santa Fe passenger cars around the layout using my CAB-1 or CAB-2 instead of having to rely on the the starter set Bluetooth remote.

YOU actually were largely instrumental in helping me figure the problem out by mentioning the WIDE PICKUP ROLLERS as the culprit!   Much Thanks!

PS- I always wondered why the Santa Fe Lion Chief 159 ENGINE didn't get "grabbed" by the electromagnet? Well, once I compared the pickup rollers with the passenger car rollers it was pretty obvious- the ENGINE pickup rollers were much NARROWER!  You have to wonder WHY the wider rollers were even USED on the passenger cars to provide the small current for the LED lighting???

Oh- I forgot to mention- while I was at it, I installed a WORKING red LED in the last "Navaho" car by tapping into the LED board.

Resized DSCN0873


Images (1)
  • Resized DSCN0873: Santa Fe Navaho Car with installed OPERATING Red LED!
Last edited by jpepe3691

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