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****., The other day I was watching the original Toy Train Revue part 1, and When TM visited the Lionel archives, an employee presented an unusual prototype of the postwar 675 steamer. it had a mechanism in the cab where when the engine goes around curves, the rear truck pulled a lever making the engineer lean out the window. It was a really neat idea that sadly never went in production. we never got a close up look of the prototype, and I can hardly find any info on it, let alone any pictures. so any more info or pics would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

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There are two photos the Tuohy-McComas archives book.  The mechanism was simple, a loop that fit over the drawbar connected to a pivoting bracket the engineer was on.  When the locomotive went into a right hand curve, the engineer leaned out of the window.  Of course, the figure would go further inside on a left curve.

According to T-M, the Lionel engineers determined action was too small to be seen easily.


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