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i bought another 8206 Hudson, this is the 5th Lionel mpc Hudson that i have bought that has had a wobble. this one is the worst. it looks, runs & pulls good, but it has a very very bad wobble. i've checked it over & it seems like the three wheels on one side are not running true as i think they should be. it isn't much but i think that is where it is coming from. does anyone have any part numbers for the wheels & axles? they are Baldwin disc & i would like to keep it that way if i can. i wouldn't care to replace all six & i don't mind losing the traction tire if need be. will the axles & wheels for a Lionel 2500/2065 work on the mpc era 8206 Hudson? i know they're not Baldwins but i if all else fails. I've had a 8206, two 8603's, & a 8900, & now another 8206 & every one of them have had a wobble of some kind. it kills me because i love the mpc era Hudson's. any help would be much appreciated. do any of you have a set that you wouldn't care to sell?

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If you make an error pressing on the new wheels, you might make the problem worse.  

Although you would lose the nice Baldwin disc wheels, I would be very tempted to put a complete 2055 mechanism in the MPC shell.  For the 8900 (which had MagneTraction and spoked wheels like the 2055), you will have to figure out a way to paint the rims of the driving wheels white, so no one else notices the swap.  Post some photos, let us know how you make out.

Ted Sowirka posted:

If you make an error pressing on the new wheels, you might make the problem worse.  

Although you would lose the nice Baldwin disc wheels, I would be very tempted to put a complete 2055 mechanism in the MPC shell.  For the 8900 (which had MagneTraction and spoked wheels like the 2055), you will have to figure out a way to paint the rims of the driving wheels white, so no one else notices the swap.  Post some photos, let us know how you make out.

i've never even noticed the 9800's didn't have the baldwin's. i've thought about putting a 2055 mechanism in it & see if i could put the sound trigger/smoke unit from the 8206 if the sound board & whistle work in the tender. the seller packed these trains like she was shipping a bowling ball. she just threw them in a box with some air bladder stripes in on top of them. both trucks on the tender were destroyed, so i need a set of mpc tender trucks as well. this whole deal has been one problem after another..

And then there's the nuclear option... buy a LionChief Plus Pacific, and repaint it to match the 8900.  The details of the casting are a pretty close match.  Unfortunately I don't believe the new casting has interchangeable boiler fronts, so an 8206 redux is a no-go.  Boo!

I've never repainted anything in my life, but I've thought about doing this so many times...  I'm sure there's money to be made in re-issuing some of the most-loved MPC pieces with thoroughly modern performance enhancements.  Heck, even a Standard O re-imagining of some of the sets.  Think about a Legacy FEF at the head of a 21st Century FARR #1 set.  Or the upcoming Chessie Steam Special T1 with half a dozen scale heavyweights.  I bet that some of us who grew up during the MPC era would throw down for these.  Maybe Neil Young will read this post and save us the trouble of repainting.  But my first choice would be a reissue with Legacy in the traditional size.

One way to help the wobble is remove the original oversized traction tire (too thick) and replace with a MTH tire. P/N DE-0000027.

This has helped. I like the 8206 too, and all of them have some wobble.  I also replaced the non-operating coupler truck with a operating one and added a second pick up to the front tender truck. That engine came out in '72, the year I first got into collecting Lionel trains.

Last edited by Chuck Sartor
Chuck Sartor posted:

One way to help the wobble is remove the original oversized traction tire (too thick) and replace with a MTH tire. P/N DE-0000027.

This has helped. I like the 8206 too, and all of them have some wobble.  I also replaced the non-operating coupler truck with a operating one and added a second pick up to the front tender truck. That engine came out in '72, the year I first got into collecting Lionel trains.

i have a few mth traction tires laying around. i've taken all the valve gear off just to make sure it isn't a valve gear/quartering problem. i just haven't had time to get up to the train room today to try it out.

i tinkered with it a little white today. i got 90-95% of the wobble out of it. i checked on the wheel gauging & it was wide enough that there was no wiggle room at all between the wheel flanges & the rails. every time the wheels that had a very little amount of wobble rolled, it would hit the wide spot & the flange would ride up on the rail causing it to wobble. i pressed them on a little deeper & put the lionel traction tire back on it & it ran almost perfect. i pressed them on a little to tight so i gotta get a wheel puller & pull them back out a little. i've got to run it a little while now & the e-unit is sticking from time to time. i've pulled it apart & cleaned it a couple of times now & it still doesn't go through the gears like it should. the fingers are not made of copper like most i have seen are. it will cycle perfectly until i put it back on the chassis. when i put it in, the engine will roll an inch or so before kicking into the next gear. it is fighting me all the way, but i enjoy it anyways. does this forum have a "parts needed" section? i need a couple of mpc tender trucks. i have used all of my extra's up somewhere down the line.

any advice on the e-unit?

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