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I love that the two have come together for this venture, but I'm concerned about an issue that's been speculated upon in other threads. That is that there apparently will be no Ives, Dorfan, and other select items made while this venture is active because MTH owns the rights exclusively to these.

Does anyone have any insight if this is true or not?  If so, will we have to wait this venture out to see those items produced?

In the 2012 catalog they have 4 different Railroaders Clubs going. 2 are for Lionel Corporation, and 2 are for MTHRRC.  Does this possibly mean there could be a Lionel Corporation and a separate MTH Tinplate Traditions lines?

Total speculation here. Would love to here your opinions.
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Well, I’m not 100 percent sure (don’t have the catalog in front of me) but I believe the two different tinplate clubs represent one for O gauge and one for Standard gauge. And I assume the other set of two are for different MTH products lines, e.g., Railking, etc.


The overall health of LCT seems to be good. They’re into their, what, 4th year and I know the working agreement has been extended for a few more years.


I have no insight into the Ives, Dorfan issue.

Originally Posted by Tinplate Art:

Maybe the question should be: Will MTH continue its OWN "Tinplate Traditions" line?




Will MTH have to wait for their current "arrangement" with Lionel to end? 

Another possibility is that MTH is waiting to reissue everything with PS-3.  I loved the pulling power with can motors but hated the battery issues in PS-2.

Originally Posted by Allan Miller:

Since nobody here knows the content of the existing agreement between Lionel and MTH, there is nobody on this forum in a position to do anything except speculate (wildly).  And, of course, that accomplishes absolutely nothing.

Oh, it's fun sometimes to just shoot the bull with the guys and gals. Harmless fun and a great way to relax. 

What ever agreement the two have come to, it must be mutually beneficial, or at least, mitigates liability for one party or the other. But I guess really who cares?


For whatever reason, Lionel was not able to produce items they originally did design and produce, and MTH could produce them, but not use the Lionel name. So, there you have it. A marketing strategy that both can live with.


Lionel Classics was also between Mike Wolf and Lionel. That ended abruptly. Enjoy this while you can, and if this is your thing, get while the getting is good. I doubt this relationship will last forever.


It's nice to see the stuff with Lionel badging. Never cared for old Lionel designs with some generic name or MTH on them. Just seemed wrong to me.

Originally Posted by F&G RY:
Originally Posted by Gilbert Ives:


Another possibility is that MTH is waiting to reissue everything with PS-3.  I loved the pulling power with can motors but hated the battery issues in PS-2.

 Can you explain what battery issiues you have had with PS-2.

Sharing my feelings about the MTH battery system would require me to use language entirely inappropriate for a public internet forum.  


But i'll just say that of two 1134s -- bought new from MTH dealers -- both turned into attractive decoration on sidings  of the IVES Lines.

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