Originally Posted by CN6167:
I have been able to snag several different variations, but recently got a 9417 Black body, red multimark, GOLD lettering. I suppose if I had (a Greenberg?) guide, I would be able to tell if those are a rare varitation or not. Anyone know of the top of their head?
According to Tuohy & McComas, in 1987 "Great Plains Express" came with the black with white lettering 9729 CP Rail boxcar. In 1979, the set came with the black with gold lettering 9417 CP Rail boxcar.
I had the '87 set with the 9729 and later got the 9417 when Chas. Ro was selling break-ups of the set.
For technicolor variety, there's also the yellow w/black lettering 9208 (1971), red w/black lettering 9703 (1973), green w/back lettering 9713 (1973), silver w/black lettering 9730 (1974) and blue w/white lettering 9748 (1975).
I seem to remember the 9730 also having a silver w/white lettering variation.