Originally Posted by rtr12:
I am also a rookie with these things (and don't learn so fast anymore - getting old), but wouldn't the 2n3904's handle enough current for light bulbs? I'm trying to learn here as well.
The 3904 should be good for the current the bulbs draw. Guessing that the 3055 will work here without component adjustment as collector current is low.
Originally Posted by nvocc5:
Dear rrman
That was a fast reply, thank you. What resistors do you suggest and where would I place the 3055 in the circuit?
Kris, you can directly substitute the 3055 for 3904. That is, you remove the 3904s and put the 3055 in their place, being careful which 3055 leads are collector, base, emitter vs the 3904 lead pinouts. So 3904 collector is now the 3055 collector lead, 3904 base is now to the 3055 base, the 3904 emitter now connects to 3055 emitter.
I assumed that when you were asking about the 3055 you had a higher power device in mind to flash (automotive bulbs or several bulbs, say).