Hello All,
Here are a few photos of my Lionel scale 40' die cast flatcars on to which I added more realistic looking loads instead of the fake plastic tarps. Didn't want to get carried away making new wood decks and weathering things so I took some shortcuts. The cars already have wooden decks of either natural colored basswood/balsa wood with faint lines inscribed in them for planking. I used a utility knife and scribed the original lines deeper into the wood. This was to make the "planks" stand out better after I stained the decks with Minwax(already had it on hand). The wood cribbing on both cars is made from various sizes of basswood from the local Pat Catan's craft store. The chains also came from the same store.
I had a couple of used US Steel plastic girders from a damaged postwar girder bridge that I mounted on the first flatcar. The rivet holes on the girder bases are close to 1/8" diameter, so I transferred the hole locations onto the cribbing pieces, then set them all in place and drilled a 1/8" through them and the flatcar deck. Spacing was careful so I didn't drill into the die cast beam on the bottom of the car. After staining the deck and the cribbing, I pushed 1/8" dowel rod into the holes to mount the girders. Then added the chain and the springs for a little tension. The springs came from my local mom & pop Daniel's Variety store.
On the second flatcar, I used a Lionel pre-mounted propeller that I purchased from their parts dept. I filed the bottom of the wood propeller frame to get it flat. The chains are run through existing holes in the flatcar deck and tied together with a simple piece of wire under the car. The crate on the flatcar came from Weaver, to which I added a small Army Corps of Engineers sticker(I'm retired from the Corps). The cribbing is basswood which extends over the stake pockets on the sides of the flatcar. I drilled small holes in the cribbing, directly over the stake pockets, and inserted small finishing brads through the wood and into the pockets. This holds the load in place. I used a small amount of clear kitchen and bath silicone to help hold everything in place on both cars. Like I said, I took some shortcuts but I didn't want to make these major projects!!!
I hope these may help to give someone some ideas.