Hi All,
Hope everyone is good and enjoying the week. I have a quick question and was wondering if anyone experienced a similar issue.
I have a relatively new Lionel ES44AC Norfolk Southern Heritage Diesel. Engine has very miniminal run time, and the majority of my sessions have been running without the smoke.
Last night, I decided to use the smoke unit, (it worked fine yesterday)...I hear the fan motor running, and can feel a small stream of air emanating from the exhaust stack, but no smoke is being produced. Additionally, I ensured there was no air bubble blocking the exhaust, and applied a moderate amount of smoke fluid to the unit prior to operation.
Wondering if anyone experienced a similar issue? Is it Ppossible that the heating element has burnt out? Is this something that my LHS could fix, or does this necessitate a trip back to Lionel? Since I rarely use the smoke units on my diesels, its not an overly large issue as everything else is in perfect working order...but I would like to get this fixed at some point.
Additionally, I am not running the engine with Legacy, I have a CAB-1L remote and command base.
Thank you for your help,