There's a tremendous amount of entertainment value that comes out of a video like this... and there are positives and negatives that along with that statement.
First, I think anything that promotes the hobby and brings smiles to our faces is definitely a good thing. All too often we take stuff MUCH to seriously on this forum, and I found this video to be quite the breath of fresh air, indeed!
Ben, you nailed it... I had visions of the Ralph Kramden / Ed Norton "chef of the future" skit on my mind throughout this entire video. And I'm still not sure if it's due to the strong NY/Brooklyn accent or because of the amusing "mishap" at 5:15. Perhaps it's simply a combination of both elements. The whole thing is just fabulous... again as long as we don't take ourselves too seriously.
OTOH, so much stuff gets posted online these days WITHOUT any formal review(s). Before we know it... Bang... it's out there for the world to see -- literally. Part of me thinks that's not necessarily a good thing. And another part of me is way passed it. As the saying goes, the barn door is open... and the horses have fled the barn a long time ago. And they ain't coming back. Everyone with a camera these days can "produce" a low-budget video and voila!!! it's posted online with very little effort. Even 5 years ago, we wouldn't see this happening. Yes sir... Times they are a changing!!!
The only things missing from that video were chef of the future aprons and a kitchen background set. But hey, we can always use our imagination, right???