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Good evening!

I bought some Lionel Fastrack Uncouplers and have found out that some cars and engines work on them and some don't.  There seems to be a problem of setting the height just right on the metal button in order for the uncoupler to work.  Too low or too high and the coupler doesn't open.  What have  you done to make these work?

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Hi Rick,

I believe the AC supply is 12 volts.  The uncouplers get enough voltage I think.  The problem seems to be that some couplers  the trigger (I don't know what to call the disk thing that hangs down under the coupler) sits so high the magnet can't pull on it.  Some are so low they are already touching the center rail.  And then some are very stiff or sticky.  You really have to pull on them.  I've also noticed that some couplers when the magnet works the trigger does pull down but it also pulls the whole coupler  with it so it doesn't unlock the coupler.  I wonder if anyone has come up with a universal solution.



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