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Good afternoon, I recently bought a NOS JLC Y6b and it's a beautiful engine with pretty dated electronics.  I have it operating  OK with my Base 3 using Cab1 and Railsounds 5, but I just read it is TMCC.  Anyone have this version or similar with the same electronics?  I'm looking for what is working best for others not only with this engine, but other early TMCC engines.



Images (1)
  • JLC N & W Y6b
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I'm not saying there is necessarily a problem, but it runs in either TMCC or Base 1 and I'm not sure what the difference is.  Also I don't know much about older sound boards as I got into O scale when Lionel Legacy was in full gear.  I've experimented around with other settings with various results-reverse not working, or the engine lights going out of phase with direction, etc. .. .

I'm asking about other's experiences using the Base 3 and new App with older engines like this one and suggestions/tips.


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