I have 2 MTH Trolleys and 2 MTH Hand cars.
Thinking about where/how to place them on my future layout.
Saw something about using Lionel's (K-Line) SuperStreets. That post said they will run on SuperStreets. Anyone have experience doing this?
Without buying any of the SuperStreets sets, how do you power them? Is there something on the underside I can attach power to?
Also, what's the deal with the " Straight to Curve Connector" pieces? The manual from one of the sets says " These pieces are designed to be used – as the name suggests – as a transition between any straight and curved Roadway. You will notice that the channels in the Straight to Curve Connectors fl are from narrow to wide. Always assemble with narrow channel ends adjoining the straight piece and the wider channel ends adjoining the curve. If you are wondering why, it is to optimize performance of vehicles traveling on SuperStreets. The narrow channels keep vehicles moving with little or no wobble, the wider channels on curved Roadway prevent any binding around curves. The tapered channels of the Straight to Curve Connector ensure smooth travel and eliminate possible ‘derailments’.
Has anyone set up SuperStreets without these "Straight to Curve Connector" pieces? Any problems when not using them?