I was wondering if someone could put some perspective on an issue I'm having. My Lionel Legacy-controlled Chicago & Alton 4-6-2 Pacific is suddenly dying out or first losing sound and then dying. This locomotive was purchased new in late November has operated flawlessly up to this point. The layout is about as simple as can be: 60" curves with two 10" straits to form an oval. I'm running a TPC 300, 180-Watt PowerHouse, and the #990 Legacy Command Set. The PowerHouse is plugged into a rather convention power strip with surge protection.
Prior to there being any problems, I was running the train when our home power went out. I didn't really think anything of it, turned off the PowerHouse and power strip, and went on with my day while waiting for the power to return.
Today was the first time I tried running the train since then and that's when I found that the locomotive was dying out after just about 30-60 seconds of running. Unfortunately, this is my only layout right now, so I figure I should take the locomotive to a local hobby shop an see if I can run it on their layout to rule out a track, track power, or controller problem.
What do you guys think the chances are that the power outage damaged something? I've never dealt with Lionel support, so any experiences you guys can share as to what I may be facing?
Thanks for any help you provide!