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@DaveGG posted:

What smoke setting are you using (low, med, Hi)?  These can be set via the Cab2 or Cab3 App.

My tank engine doesn't change the excessive current draw or the prodigious smoke production no matter what you select.  I'm pretty sure this is a software issue since both sides of the smoke unit pumps out tons of smoke on low, medium, or high, and I adjusted the thermistors to almost on top of the resistor to about 3/8" away, that changed nothing.

I'm considering my options now, I think I'll have to fudge it and put in a 10 or 12 ohm resistor in the smoke unit to tame it.  I'm waiting on the resistors to come now.

Last edited by gunrunnerjohn
@DaveGG posted:


Do you know if Lionel designed the whistle steam element to be on all the time?  And if so, do they change the amount of energy to the whistle steam smoke unit when the operator presses the whistle?

Yes and yes.  The whistle steam element is on all the time, but it's supposed to be at low heat, not full bore.  When you blow the whistle, they boost the smoke unit to get fairly instant smoke since it's already pre-warmed.

Note that this how it's supposed to work, not how these particular engines are working!

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