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I'm looking to reassemble a "reproduction" version of the #2292WS Super O Steam Luxury Liner outfit from the 1957 catalog, which included the #646 hudson, the #2046W tender and 4 of the 2500 series passenger cars (#2530, 2531, 2532 and 2533). My aim is to have a nice, clean-looking set for operating purposes; I'm not worried about finding original pieces, hence going after reproduction pieces.

What are the best pieces to buy to assemble this set? I'm thinking the following... Would love to hear your opinions:

1) #2261W Freight Hauler Steam Set (Conventional Classics) - 646 hudson is included with this set.

2) #2270W Jersey Central Passenger Set (Postwar Celebration Series) - #2531, 2532 and 2533 passenger cars included with this set.

3) Lionel Lines Aluminum Streamlined Passenger Car 2-Pack (Postwar Celebration Series) - #2530 (plus #2534) passenger cars included.

To my knowledge and research, the Jersey Central Passenger Set (and add-ons) are the only reproduction Lionel has made of these cars without the Super Chief drumhead on the observation car - Is this correct? I believe several of the Postwar Santa Fe outfits would have included these cars, but with the Super Chief drumhead on the back. Purists are probably aware there are variations in the metal and name plates on the original cars as well.

I figure buying the 2 sets above gives me 3 nice "reproduction" outfits, both the sets as they come as well as the #2292WS outfit I want to assemble. I'd love to hear what you think as well as your other ideas, corrections and information. Thanks!

Last edited by jmcalister
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