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I was servicing the whistle on a 2046 tender and the field coil winding wire broke off as it enters the coil with no chance to solder it together.  I can just barely see the end inside the coil.  I don't even know how to remove the coil from the laminations to try and unwind the wire one revolution.

Any ideas other than get another motor whistle or complete whistle?



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Sounds like the wire that leads to the first turn on the armature, not the last.  If you can see the end, try a dental tool to pick the end and see if you can drag any of it out  If you can get it started, you may be able to get a purchase on it with needle nose pliers and pull a bit more.  This is enameled wire, you will need to use a sharp knife to scrape of the enamel off the end to solder to it, and you don't need to make a massive twisted  or hooked connection, just enough to put the wires together and solder them solidly.  If soldered well, it will last forever that way. Another option is if that bit of wire you see is along the end insulator, you may be able to cut open the insulator with an Xacto knife or similar, something that will cut through without damaging any of the windings, bend the insulator a bit to be able to  draw the wire out the side and attach a new lead to it there.

It is usually toast when that wire breaks. Since it is already ruined, I have had some luck with soldering a piece of wire on the little bare spot showing. Strip the replacement wire and shove it in the little space where the broken wire is and drop some hot solder in there. It of course will melt the plastic spool, but sometimes you get lucky and the solder will hold on the tiny bare spot of the broken wire. If you are lucky, then super glue the wire so it can't shift. There is no way you can grab the tiny end to try to pull it out a little more, it is too tightly wrapped.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

In the end I had amazing success, whistle works as new and is one of my best sounding ones (not because of the wire fix, but the condition of the rest of it.)

It too tightly wrapped to pull more out.  I could not unwind as is , no way to get it out.

As suggested by CALNNC, to get more wire out, I cut open the plastic bobbin (term used when I worked on solenoids) with an Xacto knife about an 1/8 inch in the direction the wire was wound.  That way I was able to unwind the broken wire about an 1/8 inch so that it was exposed past the bobbin.  Then it was an easy solder job to attach a new wire to the whistle solenoid. And to assure no future movement, I did put super glue on this new joint so it wouldn't bend.  Im sure after this full service, I won't need to touch it again in my train lifetime.

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