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My subway layout will only have two stations.  Is there any way I could select specific station announcements for my R27 set?  My two stations will be Times Square and Brighton Beach, and it would be nice if I could get the set to announce only those two stations.  I searched the OGR Forums but was unsuccessful in finding an answer.  I also read through the user's manual but can't find anything.  Thanks.

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I was afraid of that.  Well, the main attraction for me is the opening doors anyway.  The rest is gravy.  And that announcer's voice does annoy me somewhat.  He's got a very heavy accent, even for me (I grew up in NYC).  The announcements I remember on the subway (before they were computerized) were more generic; maybe the conductors were coached on how to speak less "locally".

Well, I haven't found a way to only play specific announcements, but I finally figured out the correct sequence of door openings and closings and train motion to advance the announcements one stop at a time. Took me long enough. What got me was that Aux 2 / F or R / Aux 2  sequence. I didn't realize you had to press Aux 2 twice to close the doors, and then start the train.

And Pdxtrains, there ARE a few testy announcements about moving into the car, etc. 😊 They are only at certain stations, though.

Refreshing this thread, I've been told (by Matt who had responded above! 😊) that if I convert from TMCC to Legacy, I can scroll through the stops quickly with the remote to get to the one I want to play next.  I'm in the process of installing the Legacy system and hope that will solve my issue. At least, it should be easier than what I have to do now with TMCC, which is repeating the close doors - start - stop - open doors sequence however many times I need to get to the desired stop announcement.

Last edited by West Side Joe

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