My VL BigBoy stopped running mid circuit on my layout. I sent an email to TalkToUs on the 28th of January listing the issues:
1. Track power on: Number boards light; center rear tender light on;
2. Start up: intermittent low buzzes from speaker; a sound off-on as if a servo is trying to move; start up sounds normal; Smoke turned on to high, no flashing lights; periodic buzzes - not sure if it’s from the speaker or some other source
3. Sequence control initiated correctly; when throttle turned, lights dim/blink and buzz from speaker, off-on; some other strange noise accompanies any Cab2 command sent
4. Train would not move although throttle applied5. Electrocoupler would not open.In the past the response to an email submission was terrific..within a day or two I'd be corresponding. However, this time, I had not received a reply as of 11:00 this morning other than the initial auto-response so I called. I spoke to "Kate?". Very pleasant but she advised they are not taking out of warranty service and suggested I try back next month. She said they only have two people working the desk... So, for those who are wondering what's up with customer service, here's the latest. I hope it's just a temporary shortage of personnel.