Five Lionel Through the Years boxcars announced today in an email. With just 125 being made, have a feeling they may sell out quick. One item that is not clear is the free 6th car. The description mentions a 125 Years with Lionel Christmas boxcar but yet it also mentions a caboose. Seems like clarification is needed regarding the free item.
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My receipt from purchasing the set this morning doesn't shed much additional light. It shows the 5 boxcars and then has a sixth line item that I would think is the caboose, but it's also labeled as a boxcar. Instead of being "free", there's a $-99.00 "Freight Surcharge/(Discount)" at the bottom. None of the part numbers show up in the system yet, so that's all I can figure out at this point.
Ed, the caboose was free at the end after you pay for the 5 box cars. I just clicked and first one is sold out.
@Dave Nichols posted:Ed, the caboose was free at the end after you pay for the 5 box cars. I just clicked and first one is sold out.
I don't think you can actually buy them one at a time. I called the phone number on the listing page and ordered the entire set at once, and they sent me the receipt.
I went for this too as the designs are the best yet of the 125th Boxcars IMO. Yes they order all at once but they only bill when they ship. Essentially a page out of the continuity marketing playbook. I hope the packaging is a bit more durable than the USA boxcars normally ship with. You have to call to order.
I wound up ordering the set yesterday also, same receipt as J.Dooley which list the 6th car as a boxcar. Was told when ordering the free car is a caboose. Would be nice if Lionel offers a traditional size loco for the boxcars. If the sixth car is a boxcar, needs also a matching caboose.