Just a heads up a full 50 minute show with Mike Reagan and Matt Ashba is now posted at Notch6.com This has all the big news from Lionel at York. We also have exclusive photos posted of two big announcement items. I hope you'll check them out. Photos will be under the Notch 6 News section and available a bit later in the evening, available on our Facebook page NOW.
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"Huge Lion Chief Plus Announcement."
Oh yeah. I'm there! Will listen to the podcast ASAP.
Thanks, Derek
EDIT: I listened. Great news on the Lion Chief Plus development. You LC+ fans will be happy! I won't mention anything. You gotta listen.
Thanks for the plug! if you listen to the Podcast you'll get a preview of one of the 2 big announcements we'll be discussing and showing.
I like to think we (all of us that attended the Legacy Users Group breakfasts) had a big part in this!
Thanks for the plug!
The LUG group is always on my must do list. SO many good things have come out of this group and I believe many more are on the way. Thanks for putting together such a nice event.
Thanks as always Derek!
Man that "silver plated - looking" 115 anniversary berk is sharp!
IMO, it blows away any loco thats ever been done in gold by a mile!
Saw the silver plated Berkshire today, it is a beauty.
Haven't listneed to the new podcast yet, but looked at your photos of the plated Berk. That is killer...wow!
Another great podcast, Derek! Some promising stuff regarding the new Powermasters (135 and 180 watt bricks) coming by the end of this year or early next year as well. Visited your Facebook page to the the special 115th Anniversary Berkshire and boy does that locomotive look awesome!
another great pod cast.
Another interesting podcast.
Very good podcast with the latest information! Thank you Derek!
Just when I had convinced myself that I have enough locomotives you had to show me this insanely beautiful piece! Oh, is my wife going to be upset!!��
Nice job once again, Derek. Mike is always interesting to listen to, and Matt had an awesome product announcement. I personally like the IR boxcars that are coming - and the silver plated Berkshire looks stunning. Thanks.
THANKS for the update!
Question: What does the Lionel 115th Anniversary clock look like? Is it a wall clock?