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MartyE posted:

The next VL is the GG-1.  Lionel makes what ever they feel like for the VL.  The GE hybrid is a perfect example of modern engine in the VL.  Interesting the early idea behind this program was to make items never made before.  Lasted maybe 3 engines and then the wheels fell off.

martyE... So does that mean all VL items are now well grounded  

Last edited by StPaul

The VL stuff is all pretty nice.  I think my biggest complaint is the stray from it's original goal.  To bring locomotives never done before to productions.  Sure after a while you will have to resrt to some re-issues but when was the last time Lionel did the UP Turbine or the C&O Yellow Belly?  I'm sure there are other less produced in the past few years that could have been better candidates. 

I'm not sure why the Baldwin Centipedes didn't do well.  Have I had the cash I probably would of gotten a set.

Last edited by MartyE
MartyE posted:

The VL stuff is all pretty nice.  I think my biggest complaint is the stray from it's original goal.  To bring locomotives never done before to productions.  Sure after a while you will have to resrt to some re-issues but when was the last time Lionel did the UP Turbine or the C&O Yellow Belly?  I'm sure there are other less produced in the past few years that could have been better candidates. 

I'm not sure why the Baldwin Centipedes didn't do well.  Have I had the cash I probably would of gotten a set.

The union pacific ones did very well  ..

I bought the UP set and they're awesome but the UP never even got the ones they ordered and I'm not even sure Baldwin painted them up for UP before the order got cancelled. Having just one of the 5 sets made do well doesn't make for good business. VL Locos should be something special I don't think the GG1 makes the special cut


   I know you guys are big on VL engines, and I would love to own the new GG1 VL that is coming out, however the cost is what I call exceedingly high.  I just purchased a used JLC TMCC GG1 this past Christmas season, in absolutely perfect shape, from one of our OGR forum members.  I love it and will be adding an 072 outside loop to the Christmas layout to accommodate her.  Now this gives me 5 different GG1's, 2 DCS, one TMCC that I run with my Legacy, and a traditional Williams and of course the original early Lionel.  Unless the VL GG1 comes down to some kind of reasonable price, I will wait like I did on the JLC TMCC GG1, and pick up a prior owned one, in perfect shape.  I love the PRR GG1's especially the Brunswick Green one's, of which I already own 3 remote control GG1 engines.  Please tell me the advantage of spending seriously big money to own the new VL GG1, when I own 5 GG1 Engines, in perfect shape, already.  Even if a person has no GG1 Engines, the cost on the VL GG1 is still seriously high.  I have loved Lionel Engines & the Lionel Company sense my father gave me his original Tin Plate 263E Work Train as a Christmas present, and at that time, few kids from middle income families could afford to even own them.  However this new VL GG1 even exceeds the comparative old time Lionel costs.  I just can not justify, in my own mind, the purchase of the new VL GG1 Engine, at that cost, now if Lionel offered a full consist of high quality Military Passenger Rolling stock, complete with military passengers, along with the VL GG1 Engine for that cost, it might be a different matter.




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  • DSCN1758
  • DSCN1752
Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
jojofry posted:

It's gonna be a visionline NYC Nigara with the depleting coal load blow down and smokeing whistle and it's gonna go for 2k street price!

Thats what I believe I have no proof of this so don't email me asking how I know!

Its funny, I sense your sarcasm, however I believe you are partially correct.

Possibly a Niagara with whistle steam (no blow down) , no depleting coal, no swinging bell (because its just tucked under the boiler) a Nathem air chime whistle,  1,799.00. With street price of about 1,400.




Images (1)
  • niagara_s1b

You know, I think I'd go for something like this, the siemens charger  (

Here's why:

1 - it's going to be used to carry people in such places as brightline rail which is "the first time a privately owned company in the U.S. has developed and operated an express passenger rail system in over 100 years"

To me that's visionary... (

2 - people are going to see it because they ride it, not just there but other places as well (see the parts about Marc, Amtrack and so forth) which  means they may develop an interest in models of it...

3 - it's new,  first one produced in march.    No one else (maybe) will be producing it yet. 

4 - it's sounds or may sound quite a bit different than other models you have on your track

5 - and this video of it is kinda cool:

And so that's my vision...


Don't know really sorry to say but if I had my way there would be at least one visionary addition every year to the catalog, something really cool to look forward to sort of thing.

And although folks seem to think about the kind of engine mostly, I would add these features to make the offerings even more visionary:

1 - they should work with any lionel control system, including conventional, lionchief plus (including the likely bluetooth support coming up), legacy remote ... and flatpanel/computer -- of course all the features would not be available in all forms... still a lionchief+ ready to run set person might -- maybe saving their milk money all year -- could just be able to afford a vision line engine... but not the legacy controller too.  It could be true... it's worth giving folks the chance maybe ...  

2 - the engines should include at least one built in video cam ... there would at minimum be a way to pop in a standard memory card to capture the images as it went about the track (micro sd, etc..) -- but perhaps even real time streaming could be done too so that you can, well -- do whatever the heck you want with it of course! (show it on your computer, phone, whatever)

3 - The sound should go to 11!   If you don't know the reference see "this is spinal tap 11" on you tube ... but in all seriousness, it should not only look better but sound better than any other offerings... 'nuff said then 'bout that.

Well I think that's just about all you want to read of my zany ideas -- but thank you for reading them.  


The SD60M were built for the Burlington Northern, Conrail, Soo Line, and Union Pacific.

The SD60MAC were built for the Burlington Northern.

They would have to run all the road names, since there were a limited number and two cabin variations.

Being Visionline it would make up for the strangely proportioned SD60M diesel loco produced 20 years ago.


Last edited by falconservice

Comparing a PW style GG1 to a JLC or a VL is pretty much like comparing a Dodge Neon to a 300.  There is nothing wrong with a traditional size GG1 but those commenting here are interested in paying more for feature and scale that a PW GG1 doesn't have.  Folks have to decide what price point they want and can afford for the items they want.

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