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While waiting for parts for my other projects I decided to tackle a sand tower for my steam locomotive servicing area.  I intended to start with the Korber tower with a few modifications, but wound up with a completely overhauled model.  The biggest change was to forgo the Korber trusswork tower and instead use basswood to construct a wooden, stilt-type tower to fit between two parallel tracks on 4 1/4" centers.  The only parts I wound up using from the Korber kit were the sand bin cylinder and top.  I used Plastruct parts for the sand supply pipe, ladder and safety cage, and sand delivery piping.  A key look I desired was a contrast between wood and steel tower parts to make it "pop" more than an all-black, steel only structure.

The model does not follow any particular prototype, it's totally a product of my imagination, but it was inspired by images of prototypes and other models.  As construction progressed, I also used a "good enough" philosophy compared to my initial vision - this is not a fine scale model, and many details are lacking or missing.  None-the-less, I'm pleased with the end result.  Pics below.



Images (3)
  • ST2
  • ST3
  • ST4
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@Scott R posted:

While waiting for parts for my other projects I decided to tackle a sand tower for my steam locomotive servicing area.  I intended to start with the Korber tower with a few modifications, but wound up with a completely overhauled model.  The biggest change was to forgo the Korber trusswork tower and instead use basswood to construct a wooden, stilt-type tower to fit between two parallel tracks on 4 1/4" centers.  The only parts I wound up using from the Korber kit were the sand bin cylinder and top.  I used Plastruct parts for the sand supply pipe, ladder and safety cage, and sand delivery piping.  A key look I desired was a contrast between wood and steel tower parts to make it "pop" more than an all-black, steel only structure.

The model does not follow any particular prototype, it's totally a product of my imagination, but it was inspired by images of prototypes and other models.  As construction progressed, I also used a "good enough" philosophy compared to my initial vision - this is not a fine scale model, and many details are lacking or missing.  None-the-less, I'm pleased with the end result.  Pics below.


The tower looks great.

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