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If not exactly the same, they are pretty close/
I have purchased these and they are the same manufacturer. The shipping carton had Silver Crane stamped on it. Upon close examination I noticed the embosing tools used were the exact same as the last set, but not the first set. The bakery is now the chocolate shop, the yellow house with the forward facing gable is now green, the red house with the hip roof is still red but the shingles and the trim are now green. The blue house is now yellow and the town hall is pretty much the same other than roof color. The figures are in the same position however the clothing colors are different. Because the front and rear sides are different I just reversed the ones with the same embosing. They look great with my Marx Oak Park station and early lionel tin. There are now thirteen different tins but I have chosen not to use the town hall because it is so similar. I was originally going to wait to see if they would show up cheaper at big lots but I was worried that I would miss out so I made the purchase.
They are nice buildings. hard to tell their size. How high are they?
They are 8 1/4" tall and 5 1/2 wide. Depth varies, around 3". The embossed people average 1 1/2" tall which is close to scale (about 6 foot tall).
So is the chocolate any good? The cookies that came in the similar ones were pretty bad. I set the cookies out at our modular club train show at a Boys and Girls club, and didn't get rid of all of them.
J White
a moment on the lips, forever on the hips. Took them to work and every one seemed to like them. They can't be too bad, Macy's sells Harry London chocolates.