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Pine Creek Railroad posted:

Frank M,

   Can you please advise me as to just where you purchased your western riders, I would love to have them for my layout also.  The are simply fantastic, I have seen them no where else but in your pictures.


Little WWII US Army Special Forces Soldier Riding his Military Engine.


I was thinking to ask the same thing. Not just the western riders, but all of Frank's figures are interesting and often appear unique.

My guess is that Frank has a very good eye for finding his little people at train shows.

Arnold D. Cribari, (Gulp) ... you got me smiling ear-to-ear with that comment, sir. Thank you so very  much.  It's especially nice when one talks the same creative language as somebody else and wins their approval. I am very grateful for your feedback and your kindness in taking the time to do so.

PCRR Dave. They are hand-painted imports, metal, that Roy Baker sells. The latest number I have for him is (I am trying to read it carefully on a note he sent me recently : 1-845-887-0079).  He was having some trouble with his phone. Let me know if you are not able to get thru to him via the # I provided here.

Zeke/ Sean, Truly exceptional of you to say that. Thank you. But any good school for such craftwork would need you there as a professor ! And  I agree with Arnold , but I would add that your handsome vignettes have a distinct atmosphere and intimacy to them, uniquely their own, in my viewpoint.


Last edited by Moonson
Arnold D. Cribari posted:....

Big bird:

imageNow, what if I could get 100 of those birds, what could I create?

Think about it, it would be awesome. It would be:

A scene from Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds!


Or a happy flock of them having lunch in a small vest-pocket park, with lots of happy Seniors and children tossing them snacks.


I enjoy seeing all these little scenes. I have to say putting people on a layout really starts making seem more alive. Once I do start getting more scenery done I will more than likely end up putting some images up. Currently mine looks more like a Post-Apocalyptic world with not people no vehicles very few buildings, and a lot of brown. Though Post-Apocalyptic might be fun if you could do it right, but that would require some heavy weathering of engines and rolling stock to look right.

Though back on topic, These are all very well done. Something I will pursue toward in the future.

Last edited by tcochran
tcochran posted:

I enjoy seeing all these little scenes. I have to say putting people on a layout really starts making seem more alive. ....These are all very well done. Something I will pursue toward in the future.

That's enjoyable to hear, TCochran. I would offer, if you please, the additional perspective that places that have few...


or no figures IMG_0794make their own particular statement in the overall narrative, as well, don't they....x



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   Thank you very much, I will be giving him a call for sure.

Here a few of my little people, most are lead poured, made in the early 1900,that I repainted,  some are modern plastic, that my daughter Vanessa helped me paint year ago in her child hood.


The US Army Special Forces Soldiers Train Depot Ft Devens, Mass.


Military Personel Guard on the Special Forces Train


CID Agent in his Gray suit investigates Felony Crime on the Military Train.


The PRR work crew moves in some heavy Train Metal Posts, as the Breakman prepares to have the Cabin Car moved.


Civilians prepare to Board at the Train station.


Bobby stops young English clown girl and her Mgr from crossing the RR Tracks.


Workman Inspects the low Bridge


People gather in the square after church.


People working at the antique barn.


HOBO waits to jump aboard a rolling Train Car.


Yardman Crew Chief and Signaler guide the Coke Train into the yard


Oilers prepare to work over the Coke Train.





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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
Pine Creek Railroad posted:


   Thank you very much, I will be giving him a call for sure.

Here a few of my little people, most are lead poured, made in the early 1900,that I repainted,  some are modern plastic, that my daughter Vanessa helped me paint year ago in her child hood.


The US Army Special Forces Soldiers Train Depot Ft Devens, Mass.


Military Personel Guard on the Special Forces Train


CID Agent in his Gray suit investigates Felony Crime on the Military Train.


The PRR work crew moves in some heavy Train Metal Posts, as the Breakman prepares to have the Cabin Car moved.


Civilians prepare to Board at the Train station.


Bobby stops young English clown girl and her Mgr from crossing the RR Tracks.


Workman Inspects the low Bridge


People gather in the square after church.


People working at the antique barn.


HOBO waits to jump aboard a rolling Train Car.


Yardman Crew Chief and Signaler guide the Coke Train into the yard


Oilers prepare to work over the Coke Train.




Dave, these are beautifully painted figures by you and your daughter! I remember Clarke Dunham on a McComas & Tuoy video said that a great paint job makes a huge difference. You and your daughter have done a great paint job on these figures!


RSJB18 posted:

Arnold- I like how you incorporated the waste pipe into the scene.

That pipe is actually in connection with the fuel oil tank in my basement. My trains run by the oil tank underneath the dock:

imageimageimageimageIn the last picture on the left is the gauge for my oil tank. Looks like the oil tank is a little more than half full. 

We can pretend that the oil tank gauge is a gasoline pump.


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   Here are some more pre WWII little people that I just completed painting.  Thanks for starting this tread, it remained me I still had these older little people to paint.

Thanks to Thom (Doc) for supplying them for me a while back!


The painted lead figures on the drying board, completed just recently.



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DSCN2483Rozy 205,

   A lot of this stuff comes in from Great Brit, others came from sand castings we did as young boys in the late 40's thru the 60's.  Man I wish I still had all those cool Army and Navy lead figures I made and painted up as a boy.  Unfortunately mom gave them away when I was drafted, along with some other pretty cool train accessories.


Little boys toys, ya got to love it.




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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

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