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Walt, That is a fun idea, having Halloween revelers out walking their neighborhood, as a scene on a layout! Really clever! Something I had never seen previously on anybody's layout. Our layouts become reminders of so many things from our enjoyable youth that your modeling there has reminded me of how much fun it was to go door-to-door in our little suburb (seen here),millerave back when I was a boy in the 50's. Thanks for rekindling those memories!



Images (1)
  • millerave
Last edited by Moonson
walt rapp posted:


First off, thanks.  That image you included looks a lot like a street one over from my uncle's in Duquesne. 

- walt

Duquesne Place?  The photo is of the 100 block on Miller Avenue. cbk

One over is either Harden Ave. or, in the other direction, toward Kennywood, is Herman Ave.

.  FrankM


Images (1)
  • cbk
Last edited by Moonson
Moonson posted:
walt rapp posted:


First off, thanks.  That image you included looks a lot like a street one over from my uncle's in Duquesne. 

- walt

Duquesne Place?  The photo is of the 100 block on Miller Avenue. cbk

One over is either Harden Ave. or, in the other direction, toward Kennywood, is Herman Ave.

.  FrankM

Frank, is that O Scale or real?

Arnold D. Cribari posted:
Moonson posted:
walt rapp posted:


First off, thanks.  That image you included looks a lot like a street one over from my uncle's in Duquesne. 

- walt

Duquesne Place?  The photo is of the 100 block on Miller Avenue. cbk

One over is either Harden Ave. or, in the other direction, toward Kennywood, is Herman Ave.

.  FrankM

Frank, is that O Scale or real?

That's part of my childhood hometown neighborhood, in real life.


Moonson posted:
walt rapp posted:


First off, thanks.  That image you included looks a lot like a street one over from my uncle's in Duquesne. 

- walt

Duquesne Place?  The photo is of the 100 block on Miller Avenue. cbk

One over is either Harden Ave. or, in the other direction, toward Kennywood, is Herman Ave.

.  FrankM

That street looks familiar. It looks alot like the streets in Port Vue, where I grew up.

Mark Diff posted:
Moonson posted:
walt rapp posted:


First off, thanks.  That image you included looks a lot like a street one over from my uncle's in Duquesne. 

- walt

Duquesne Place?  The photo is of the 100 block on Miller Avenue. cbk

One over is either Harden Ave. or, in the other direction, toward Kennywood, is Herman Ave.

.  FrankM

That street looks familiar. It looks alot like the streets in Port Vue, where I grew up.

Mark: I too grew up in Port Vue!!!!!  I lived there from 1955 to when I got married in 1974.  Sorry that I don't recognize 'DIFF'.

- walt

Moonson posted:

Little people having little meet-ups...IMG_0017IMG_0124



Like most of your photographs, Frank, these show “a slice of life.” That is an expression that Bruce Manson used in the segment about his mainly American Flyer layout in the Pennsylvania Suite video of the McComas & Tuoy 6 video set.

I bet some of our longstanding Forum friends remember Bruce. He described his red light district on his layout as showing a slice of life.

Yours, Frank, is rated GP. Bruce’s would be rated R.   LOL


BobbyD posted:

Walt, I think your layout builds always include many scenes we don't get to see.

yeah, i create new scenes every year since the layout is built from scratch, and changes, each year.  Sometimes I think I'm being repetitive so I don't show things that I consider too similar to previous times.  maybe that's a bad assumption on my part.

The other thing too is that I only have so many pictures of that particular year's layout to share with Scott's thread each Friday so I only post one each week to make them last as long as I can.  Below is an example: as you can see it's basically identical to the images shown above from 2014 and 2016 so I may have not used it.

thanks for noticing!

zz - Halloween overall

- walt


Images (1)
  • zz - Halloween overall
Last edited by walt rapp
MELGAR posted:
Moonson posted:

That's part of my childhood hometown neighborhood, in real life.


Those hometown neighborhoods from long ago always remain special.


Yes, MELGAR, and those hometown neighborhoods don't even have to remain unchanged, since the best parts of them have been taken with us in our hearts. Concerning my own neighborhood, Duquesne Place, PennsylvaniaphotoDuqPl has, literally, remained rock-solid, since all of the houses were made of good-old Pennsylvania brick. I have not noticed, when making the occasional nostalgic visit, a single deterioration in the old neighborhood, after all these 70+ years. Of course, the neighbors themselves have changed, but I remember every single one of them from my youth and continue to cherish their place in my heart.

The residents themselves were rock-solid, too, possessed as they were, of authentic morality, excellent work ethics, pride-of-place and of self, and just an all 'round friendliness that welcomed everybody around them, including me, despite my occasional cutting-thru yards, from time to time, in search of balls. I came to know every single one of them, before I left for college out of state.

My first formal job, at 16, after having been "paperboy" for the "Daily News" and "Pittsburgh Press" in that neighborhood since I was twelve, was given to me by a neighbor two doors away (third house on the right)millerave from my house.

She hired me as "Salad boy" in this Kennywood cafeteria.kw15_048 I loved that job and her. (Note/credit: This photo may have been taken by Andy Hummell.)



Images (3)
  • photoDuqPl
  • millerave
  • kw15_048
Last edited by Moonson
Moonson posted:
MELGAR posted:
Moonson posted:

That's part of my childhood hometown neighborhood, in real life.


Those hometown neighborhoods from long ago always remain special.


Yes, MELGAR, and those hometown neighborhoods don't even have to remain unchanged, since the best parts of them have been taken with us in our hearts. Concerning my own neighborhood, Duquesne Place, Pennsylvania has, literally, remained rock-solid...

The residents themselves were rock-solid, too, possessed as they were, of authentic morality, excellent work ethics, pride-of-place and of self, and just an all 'round friendliness that welcomed everybody around them, including me, despite my occasional cutting-thru yards, from time to time, in search of balls. I came to know every single one of them, before I left for college out of state...


Oh so true, Moonson. I remember it well.


MELGAR posted:

Another freight car stowaway.



I’ve got a little hobo that looks a lot like yours, except yours has better colors. Melgar, did you paint your little guy? If so, you did a great job painting him. Here’s my little guy:

63A77F41-E81B-44CE-8CD6-63D3E12CEB66On 2nd thought, I like the colors of my guy too (he came that way). It’s a close call, but I still like your little guy better.


Images (1)
  • 63A77F41-E81B-44CE-8CD6-63D3E12CEB66

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