I have a question that I would like to ask the forum group?
1) Is there any place that a person could go, and find where different steam locomotives were assigned/assign routes?
This not referring to the today excursion routes, I'm talking of the 40's/50's back in the day!
I use to have a Mirad of old pictures that my step father shot from his old diaphram Kodak, in the 40's/50's. Gathering photos from Louisville to St.Louis, then between Louisville and Danville Ky,
then on thru the south in Tennessee, Georgia and the Carolina's.
We've had several discussions of what use to run where, and then why a certain locomotive couldn't run here, there, and Yonder!
I've looked everywhere on the web that I know to search, and haven't found anything, up to, and including following leads from other site forum folks, and some other club members suggestions.
Before our last move to Ashland, Ky back in the early eighties, I had these old photos that my step dad had photographed, and when discussing some of the engines that I had seen in the Louisville Jeffersonville New Albany areas, I could pull them out of the old proverbial box, and show proof.
I haven't seen, or found this old box of photos in many years, and I fear them lost in our last move, of the 80's. My family and I left Southern Indiana like Gypsies in the night, as I went to work one Friday morning, and was told if I wanted to keep a job with my company, to be in Ashland, Ky Monday morning. Well needless to say that is some sour fodder, for another discussion.
This is why I was trying to find a sight, I could possibly find, what Fallen Flag Railroad Locomotives ran where, and when!
Any help and direction, would be much appreciated, and thank you in advance .................................Brandy!