I bought one of these a few months ago ; I just recently got around to adding it to the layout and I'm not getting any operation. It's hooked up to an accessory transformer and I can verify that it's getting full voltage at the inputs (for conventional mode, you wire directly to the remote control via two terminals). There are three joysticks with each controlling a different function. One controls the chain drive, one the stakes for dumping, and the third for lighting. The lighting is the only thing that works; the chain drive doesn't do anything nor does the dumping--there's no sign of activation or any noise. The light lever will cause the lights to come on and you can use it to dim. Also, there is an indicator LED on the control that is supposed to illuminate whenever a joystick is pressed and that works (even when the joysticks that cause no other reaction are pressed).
Anyone have experience with this guy? Anything i can double check to verify I have everything hooked up correctly, troubleshooting ideas, etc.
thanks in advance