Need to locate a painter to paint new Lionel Vision Line A-A Centipede. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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It’s going to need a heck of a good paint job to out shine a Big Boy…lol
Just Kidding !!! Good Luck with your new Centipedes.
There used to be a Forum member named Jeff who did some pretty impressive work.
Maybe someone knows if he still swinging a brush?
Try Jeff he has done some great work here is a link to another thread!
I don't believe Jeff is doing any custom painting right now.
You might try, AMCDave. Believe you me he's darn good! Just wait till you see his Portfolio.
Need to locate a painter to paint new Lionel Vision Line A-A Centipede. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Let's know who you go with...I soon am in need of one too..
Ron, BigBoy
Harry Hieke he is a forum sponsor does great work. Look at the top of the page for his ad. He did my K4.
Jeff Sohn has taken a hiatus from electric train painting a couple years ago. He has not announced that he is back in the painting business.
I'd like to recommend Christine Braden. You can reach her Harleyhouse has posted several pix of her work on some of his models, and the work is flawless.Christine is currently painting a switcher for me in Cambria and Indiana colors. Christine is a graduate of The Art Institute of Pittsburgh and works in the graphic arts industry.
Decided to use Harry Hieke to paint the A-A Centipede, and they were shipped to him today with a sample of my F-7. I will keep you updated on the project.