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I've done a search and didn't find the schematic I was looking for. Recently swapped PS2 5V board (from 30-2279-1 FDNY NW-2) into an old PS-1 H10-44 switcher. Everything works as expected except for lighting. Cab lights are constantly on with introduction of power but I keep burning out headlights as power is constantly on for both headlights (non-directional) and super bright. Is this a problem with the board? I had read, when searching for a schematic, that FETS go bad??? Would this cause headlight bulbs to burn out and disable the directional capability? Are FETS available and easily replaceable? Did I mess up when connecting the headlights (reason for schematic)? Should I be able to control the cab lights with DCS or is constant on correct? Is a schematic of the PS2 5V board available? Back in the days when this engine was built where multiple versions of this board built with different capabilities? Thanks for any responses.

Merry Christmas!

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