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Yes... I couldn't believe this myself!!!  But I returned home today from a full-day photo shoot to find a voicemail message left by one of my favorite Lionel dealers.  I sensed right away what the message might be, 'cause I just don't have that much stuff on pre-order these days.


And much to my surprise, the nice lady on the phone informed me that the Milwaukee Road 18" two-pack has arrived in stores, and she wanted to know if I was still interested in them.  The 4-pack isn't in yet, but I called them back right away... and requested that they ship the two-pack since I've waited so long for it!!!


Many of us talked about the remote possibility of these shipping, since they're no longer listed on Lionel's online shipping schedule.  And I took a pretty strong position that it was probably just an administrative error that they were omitted from the list.  Honestly, I didn't think we'd see these until 2014.    But I stand corrected.  They have apparently arrived in some stores, so perhaps the 4-pack may not be too far behind either.


Now exactly WHICH two cars comprise the two-pack I do not yet know.  If folks remember correctly, I think Lionel first catalog'd these with a regular vista dome... then later catalog'd them with a full vista dome.  The lady couldn't tell from the shipping package, and they hadn't yet opened any for a store display.  So I should know the exact contents soon... maybe in a day or two.  If anyone has seen them yet, please let us know.


Just thought some folks would like to know that these long-awaited passenger cars -- or at least some of them -- are FINALLY shipping!!!



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Loco-Dan, that is a different set from K-Line by Lionel that was catalog'd in 2008.  Don't know if those were ever produced/delivered. 


The passenger set I'm referring to was first catalog'd with the Milwaukee Road S-3 steamer in late 2010.  The 4-pack is 6-25622 and the 2-pack is 6-25623.  Only the two-pack has shipped thus far, and the latest shipping schedule shows the four-pack slated for Sept 2013. 


I'm hoping Lionel did the full-dome vista like the exhibition trains running with 261 these days.  I should know tomorrow when the brown truck arrives , unless someone here has already seen them and chimes in here.




UPS package arrived this morning... and I took a quick peek inside during our lunch-break.  Photos to follow later today or tomorrow, when I get some free time away from stuff we're working on deadline today... but here are some quick observations: 


  • The 2-pack consists of a diner along with the full-dome "superdome" vista -- just as illustrated on Lionel's current website description.   YES!!! 
  • The Superdome car has a full-length view of the detailed dome interior with standing conductor and about 14 seated passengers.
  • I think the cars look absolutely terrific, but I will tell you right now that some folks will once again be complaining about Lionel's treatment of the windows.  They are NOT quite flush to the aluminum sides... but as I've always maintained this is not a problem at all.  And these cars appear to have a nice, simulated metal trim around the window perimeters.  If you don't like this approach, I'm sure these cars will be gone in a heartbeat anyway... so the discussion is completely irrelevant in the long run.


Bottom line... VERY pleased to see these finally... now to get the 4-pack with what will hopefully be a Cedar Rapids solarium observation!!!   And if we're lucky, perhaps even a StationSounds car down the road.   





Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer
Originally Posted by N.Q.D.Y.:

Woohoo!  Perhaps mine are on the way too. I received 2 messages from Charles Ro today saying that parcels are on their way to me, but I don't know what they have sent me yet. (I have a lot of back/pre-orders.)

Nicole, I wouldn't at all be surprised if one of those parcels is the two-pack.  It weighs about 11 pounds, if that helps you identify a package that's en route.  


Dealers have been STARVING to receive Lionel rolling stock this year, so the business-minded ones are gonna turn this stuff around quicker than ever.  In some cases, they'll be shipping them out the same day they receive them ... Once they get a credit card approval code, that is.  



Originally Posted by Mike Slater:

Actually the windows for Milwaukee Road that is correct, I have some windows from Milw Pass cars at the Museum I can take pictures.  The way K-line did the windows on their milw cars are wrong, Milw Rd screwed their window frames to the car from the outside.

That's fine and good, but the glass itself certainly does not protrude several inches from the car body and glow green around the edges. That's the error Lionel has made with these cars for years now. Most people don't mind and some even get very angry when it's criticized. They are just too goofy looking for me to ever consider the cars.




Images (1)
  • milw_obs
Originally Posted by Roger Wasson:

Maybe we should take a lottery on which day or date the 4 pack will ship. After seeing these pictures, I cannot wait to get these and the other 4.

Roger, FWIW, the date-stamp on the shipping carton for the 2-pack indicates May 31, 2013... roughly 2 and 3/4 months from the time I received this package.  I'm guessing Lionel probably took delivery of them in NC a week or two ago.


Since the shipping schedule is indicating Sept 2013 for the 4-pack, you'd think Lionel would at least KNOW that the cars have been made and shipped on the water by now.  But we never seem to get that kind of "authoritative" information from Lionel these days.  I'm not even sure the dealers get that level of info anymore. 


One thing is for certain though... when the dealers receive the 4-packs, they'd be shipping them right out to consumers on the same UPS truck that delivered them to the store if they could!!!    The dealers are STARVING for revenue this year.



Nicole, if you don't mind my asking, which Dash-9 is that? I have a pair of the UP's coming.
Originally Posted by N.Q.D.Y.:

I've just received confirmation from Charles Ro that my coaches are on the way.


Also, 2 locomotives are on their way to me. One of which is a Dash-9 that was originally not expected until december. 


Originally Posted by NSBill:
Nicole, if you don't mind my asking, which Dash-9 is that? I have a pair of the UP's coming.
Originally Posted by N.Q.D.Y.:

I've just received confirmation from Charles Ro that my coaches are on the way.


Also, 2 locomotives are on their way to me. One of which is a Dash-9 that was originally not expected until december. 




My Dash-9 is the second number of the NS models. (The other locomotive on the way is the second number NS SD40 model.)


Last edited by N.Q.D.Y.
Originally Posted by Rocky Mountaineer:



Those are the WORST windows I've ever seen!!!    If Lionel made them like that, I wouldn't even think about purchasing the cars.    Talk about goofy-looking. 



Ho ho. Of course no one would purchase it. I think this car was dedicated for use in transporting prisoners, and also unruly passengers!

All of this complaining about a perceived problem with the windows brings me to ask the question 'Does anyone who actually has these coaches in their possession have a problem with them?' 


From the photographs that I have seen so far, the windows look fine. They have a nice metallic frame around them, and barely protrude from the bodyshell. I can hardly wait for mine to arrive.

It's all about each of our individual preferences and priorities for the models we buy. If you don't care about the windows then you buy them and are happy. If they are too glaring to you then you take your business elsewhere.

One thing is for certain though. The windows are badly flawed. It's a fact, not a "perceived problem".

Really difficult to see from the above photos what is wrong with the windows.  At least they are making the attempt at flush windows with rims.


if you mean window arrangements, I am out of the club.  My memory is not good enough, so as long as the windows look reasonable I am ok.  When I cut my own, I try to get them correctly sized and positioned.


What I see is better colors.  K- Line had a muddy brown Maroon color.  Looks like Lionel brightened it up a bit and added black pin stripes?

>> Looks like Lionel brightened it up a bit and added black pin stripes?<<


Mind if I ask which MR engine were those cars prototypically designed to run with?

Seems like they'd go best with the Hiawatha Hudson or the DL'109's not the $261 Mountain. 

BTW, The windows would be the least of the issues I have with Lionel. The green glass on the Comet cars was a far worse problem.


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