All of this complaining about a perceived problem with the windows brings me to ask the question 'Does anyone who actually has these coaches in their possession have a problem with them?'
From the photographs that I have seen so far, the windows look fine. They have a nice metallic frame around them, and barely protrude from the bodyshell. I can hardly wait for mine to arrive.
There's nothing more enjoyable than someone adding a bit of "calm" and "common sense" to the discussion. I only mentioned the windows-issue in my earlier first-peek post, because at one point there was confusion about a catalog description for several passenger car sets that alluded to flush-mounted windows. And that hasn't always been the case -- particularly with the 18" cars.
Bottom line... these cars will be gone in a heartbeat -- most likely being scarfed up by owners of the S-3 as well as Milwaukee Road diesel or electric locomotive consists to head up a lovely train.
All of this hullabaloo about windows being flawed is in and of itself a flawed and irrelevant discussion... plain and simple. If these items and many of the earlier predecessor models didn't sell well, we would have seen them being blown out long ago, and Lionel would have re-engineered the approach for what looks to be 6-8 new sets of 18" passenger cars due out within the next 6-9 months. When all is said and done... whether these cars are on a display shelf or moving along on one's layout, they look absolutely fantastic.
Healthiest outlook... if you love 'em, buy 'em. If you don't, leave them on the shelf for the next buyer, 'cause the shelf is gonna be empty soon either way!