Hello. My 3 rail Premier Proto 2 K4s is lurching especially at slow speed. Recent traction tire change; I understand there is a quartering driver process and I believe all is correct. I've tried every possible combination of position of the eccentrics and very frustrated. My favorite engine. Any help appreciated.
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Is this command or conventional control?
Also, when it is lurching is the chuffing sound still exactly synchronized 4 per revolution (or whatever you set it to)? In other words, even with the lurching and irregular unevenly spaced chuffing sounds... after dozens of wheel revolutions do the chuff sounds occur at say 12, 3, 6, 9-o'clock (or 1,4,7,10 o'clock, or wherever they started).
Thanks! The chuffing and puffing is exactly synced with the uneven revolutions of the wheels. Also, the surging seems to get less noticeable at higher speed. Joe
Could be a Mechanical problem... Unfortunately you'll have to take the shell off and try turning the fly-wheel with your fingers while holding the engine off the track with the other hand. Make a complete revolution in both directions. That's where I'd start... I don't think it's a timing tape or reader problem.
Thanks! This is why changing traction tires on a steamer makes me break out into a cold sweat. This all started with me changing the rubber on the K4.
if you'd take a picture before you start, it would help you.
try and search for pictures or a video
If the chuffing sounds moved around relative to the wheel then it would indicate a timing tape issue which makes the hassle of removing the shell worth it - in that it's probably something you can easily repair. But that is not the case.
Presumably you ran it fwd and rev and it behaves the same? Removing the shell and poking around seems the next step.