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Our club layout was  wired with a bus-system in my absence last fall and I'm experiencing signal problems. The layout is fairly large (two loops with about 300 total feet of track between them) and when running I don't have control of the bell and smoke on/off function except near the TIU. Otherwise, the locomotive control seemed fairly solid for throttle, direction, and whistle. Did not have time to perform a full signal test around the layout.


I figure we'll try adding some 18v bulbs but I'm not clear as to where to wire them in?

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One right at the TIU, Others at spots with low signal like the ends of stub sidings.

I recommend Susan's Engineered filters. They are tiny and can hide under track if need be.

Also they work just as good and use minimal power. The bulbs will eat some juice as you got more in place.


For the Filters, Locate one at each block end. They work by stopping the signal bounce off the track ends.

That brings me to a question, Is each module a block with one power drop to each track? This is the best way to do modular with DCS.

Our permanent club layout is comprised of about 30 of the old 4' tables and have been wired directly to the bus I think. Some have pins now connecting the tables electrically  to each other but many are still individually isolated. The outer loop has 4 'blocks' but are all on one handle of the Z4K. The inner loop is 2 blocks connected to the other Z4K handle.


We're using my 3 year old Rev 1.3 TIU set and plans are to buy a new system when funds and interest warrants it. 

I agree with Russel   Definitely one at tiu since you have any terminal blocks or do you???  One at the end of dead end spurs.  If you have any spare tiu channels perhaps you can work them in. As you know each channel has it's own signal generator.The more generators working the easier it gets signal wise.

Originally Posted by Rod Stewart:


Can you split up the blocks some more and use all 4 TIu channels; with the variable two set to fixed?

This will give you more effective signal strength.

Regardless, bulbs across the outputs of each channel, or at the inputs to each distribution block seems to be quite effective.



This is exactly what worked for me with my older TIU, but in both those spots. 1818 at the TIU's outs and #1873 at the term blocks. When testing for placement, I had the bulbs on alligator clips to see where they worked the best for my layout and ended up there. I later replaced the bulbs with filters.
 When I bought a new "L", I removed most of the lights and filters if not all.

(I still have the old posts copied from forum members over the use of bulbs in the beginning.)

Bill P had a lot of stuff going on with modules if I remember?? I believe the key was to make sure the signal didn't fold (bounce) back on itself? Sometimes it just worked without fuss.

Originally Posted by Enginear-Joe:
Originally Posted by Rod Stewart:


Can you split up the blocks some more and use all 4 TIu channels; with the variable two set to fixed?

This will give you more effective signal strength.

Regardless, bulbs across the outputs of each channel, or at the inputs to each distribution block seems to be quite effective.



This is exactly what worked for me with my older TIU, but in both those spots. 1818 at the TIU's outs and #1873 at the term blocks. When testing for placement, I had the bulbs on alligator clips to see where they worked the best for my layout and ended up there. I later replaced the bulbs with filters.
 When I bought a new "L", I removed most of the lights and filters if not all.

(I still have the old posts copied from forum members over the use of bulbs in the beginning.)

Bill P had a lot of stuff going on with modules if I remember?? I believe the key was to make sure the signal didn't fold (bounce) back on itself? Sometimes it just worked without fuss.


I think you have it right.

I believe the common wisdom is that the bulbs/filters work by attenuating the reflected signal, thus leaving the originating signal cleaner.

I recently picked up a rev L TIu which I am going to try out pretty quick.

Meanwhile the bulbs work quite well.



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