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I am old enough t remember waiting for the days when stores like Sears would send people the Summer, Winter, Christmas/Wish Book, and sales catalogs.  I would make many purchases many items vis total "mail order", train and otherwise.  Did this true mail order heart the "brick and mortar" stores?


To me, the net is the moder version of catalog and mail order.


And was it Lionel which stated a child who had electricity in the house anywhere could have a train in the house?  If the child got the set via mail order, hwere was the hobby shop for support miles away from town?


Original Post

This is a kind of inter-mingled subject. Catalogs are available on-line or in print form. Most of us view the on-line versions first before we receive the mailed hard copy.


I don't think anything replaces the good ole fashion brick and mortar when available. Unfortunately for many of us, we no longer have the local train shop. However, that does not replace the telephone when you see what you want on-line or otherwise and can speak with a real human being on the other end of the line.


The internet is part of what we do today and that's not going to change.


So for me, it is look at the catalog and then call the dealer and place an order.

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