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Last night I was running a few trains when I heard a "loud thud" on the far side of the layout from where I was. When I got to the scene of the crash, this is what I found. The thud was caused by the rear end of the leading Dash 8 when it hit the concrete column below the Greyhound Bus terminal.


The maintenance of way department was immediately dispatched to the scene to clear the wreckage and get the mainline back in service. Fortunately the train was operating at reduced speeds as it was approaching the Proviso freight yard and there were no deaths or serious injuries.



The NTSB's initial analysis of the cause of the accident was an Atlas #7 switch that was malfunctioning in electronic non-derail mode. Further details will be announced after they complete their investigation.




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  • wreck2
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Originally Posted by Gandalf97:

The operator was probably running "distracted".  I bet he was yakking on the cell phone or using the OGR forum when the incident occurred.  GOOD THING NOBODY WAS KILLED!

Yea ,
The NTTSB is gonna rip you a new one.

National Toy Train Safety Board.


Thanks for all the fun comments.


We are starting to replace the Atlas switch machines with Tortoises. I am starting to have some problems with the Atlas machines not keeping the points closed properly. I had always planned to replace them eventually and decided that now is the time.


The engineer has refused to take alcohol and drug tests, he can be glad that this isn't his full-time job. Homeland Security has been called. Mainline has been cleared and trains are running again.



Originally Posted by SantaFe158:

Well, I think my temporary loop of O-72 on the dining room floor is getting pulled up tomorrow  I finished replacing a broken knuckle on one of my boxcar's couplers after dogzilla ran it over on her way to the window to bark the mailman.

One of the only disadvantages to having to live in your parents house.
Enjoy it while you can


Originally Posted by SantaFe158:
Originally Posted by DPC:
Originally Posted by SantaFe158:

One of the only disadvantages to having to live in your parents house.
Enjoy it while you can


For sure  I just don't want to trust leaving my GG1 there anymore.  That might be pushing my luck.

No That GG-1 of yours is far to nice to leave in the hands of mans best friend.
Guess that's why your mom always says Jake pick up your toys. Now you know why
Or do like we do for ours. In the part of the house they aren't allowed in, we have a gate they can't get thru but we can open easily. It works really well . It would help you to enjoy your trains and dogzilla would only be able to come in there when you want .


This just in....... One of my Penn American Railroad henchmen... errr, I mean Professional Investigators was able to hack in..... uhh, get in touch with our contact at the NTTSB and found out this was a blatant terrorist attack!! Some maladjusted, malodorous, misfits of mayhem had placed a large scale penny on the tracks. If you don't believe it, just ask me.

The gremlins are definitely at work on this one. I have ran the train repeatedly through this switch and everything acts normal. Apprently when the problem happened, the switch was erratically throwing after each truck passed and the next truck would travel down the adjacent track. All the trucks of the engines and cars were on the track and nothing shorted. It ran like this until the lead engine's rear end hit the column supporting the upper level where my bus depot and Union Station are located.


We have these switches wired for electronic non-derail and I am guessing that one of the rails is making a momentary contact with another rail that it is supposed to be electrically isolated from. This has happened before with Atlas switches unfortunately.  


The biggest problem now is that I won't trust a train running through this area until I can find why this is happening and correct it.


On the plus side, the jack-knifed train looked pretty cool and a lot like real train wrecks that I have seen.



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