Hey Guys,
I would like to have a very cheap DC smoke unit, to place inside of one of my little buildings.
Correct me if I am wrong (please), but it is my understanding that Marx made cheap DC steam locomotives with smoke units in them, for the smoke stack. I remember my cousin having one in the 1960s, and it used smoke pills. (His little sister ate one of the smoke pills and my uncle had to take her to the emergency room!)
Wouldn't it be possible for me to buy one of these cheap locos, open it up, pull out the smoke unit, hook it up to a small DC transformer, and get it working?
Happily, I can buy a little DC Train transformer (with forward/reverse speed controller) for only $5.00 at the thrift shop train store. (They have several Bachman's in good shape.) They also sell old Marx locomotives for cheap as well.
Thanks for any advice, admonitions, or information.