A Memorial Membership has been made to honor Marty by:
- Marty Eibeck (MartyE)
- Don Klose (dk122trains)
- John Xenides (Captain John)
- Gerry Morlitz (GMORLITZ)
- Rich Melvin
- Louis Niederlander (Lou N)
- Phil Gelston (Bug Boy)
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A Memorial Membership has been made to honor Marty by:
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Marty was a very good friend. He shared his wealth of knowledge of trains with us all.
As I work on my work bench trying to repair a train problem, I can hear his voice in my head telling me the process of checking continuity in solving the problem.
You are missed by us all my friend.
I can't say much else without choking up. I miss Marty Fitz!
Choked up anyways.
Great guy. Great help. Went out of his way to help others. Knew what was going on and stayed current.
Always the great ones leave early. Urrggg!
Not a day goes by I don’t think about Marty. As i’m Doing a repair or maintenance things pop into my head I learned from him. “It will run like we the people “
Marty was a friend of mine, a train buddy and a football friend/ foe cause of our teams.
When I read the forum here, I always think about him. Going to miss him especially on Sundays when he would text me about how lousy the Jets are playing!
A true ambassador to this hobby.
There is not much more I could add to whats been said. Marty was a true gentleman and always one of the first to ask..."what is the product number" when someone was having a problem.
I was fortunate enough to visit Marty's layout many years ago while working in the area. While I didn't get to sign the wall ( not sure if that was a thing yet) I always remember him being a great host. More importantly I remember Marty giving his time to the forum for all of us that needed help. I still have a few emails from Marty that I have saved. It was a no brainer to support the forum in his name after all the years of support he gave to all of us!
Marty was definitely a great and caring guy. Did a few repairs for me. Can't say enough about the man. He is missed.
I only met him a few times but his impact on the hobby is immeasurable. I'm grateful that this forum will exist as an archive of his wealth of knowledge. Rest In Peace Marty, thank you for living a life worth repeating.
Marty was simply one of the very greatest in a hobby filled with greats.
Very true Allan, Marty was a special person. I don't think a day goes by that I don't remember him and all he did for me and the hobby.
Allan said it perfectly. Marty was a great friend. A couple of pix from a while ago. The pink GG1 on Marty's layout. The other 2 shots at my house.
Fun at a previous York meet.....
Marty & Dotty were always great hosts. I was at a meeting in Boston in the Spring 2015 and visited the layout for the 2nd time. It was a great honor to "sign the wall"!
These are the two Marty's Marty Fitzhenry and Marty Horning Both aren't with us anymore and were two of the best people I knew.
We have tributes to both on our layout
I knew Marty a very short time compared to most of you here. We met at York in 2016, and when I told him I come to the Boston area frequently to visit family, he immediately said, "Why haven't you come to visit me? Come by any time." So, I did, and would stop by about every 4 or 5 months during my trips to Boston. After a few visits to Marty's house, I caught the command control bug, and he was a big help when I decided to add it to my railroad. Here we are after Marty converted my MTH Blue Comet to DCS/PS3. Since he liked to collect signatures, I turned the tables on him and asked him to sign the tender.
It was only a few years that I knew him, but I miss him and will treasure the times I was able to visit his home.
Today, January 2 is the 1 year anniversary that we all lost a great and dear friend. It’s a sad day for some and a day we can reflect on the good times we had with Marty. He is still missed by many!
My hat is off to Marty....sure do miss him.....
It is a sad day but I think about him whenever I run my trains & remember all the stories he has passed on over the years.We all learned so much from him.
Ted, what do you think he would have to say about the Jets & Patriots game tomorrow?
So True. A Dear and very knowledgeable person indeed. And Had a heart of gold. Anything to promote the hobby and he was there.
@Captain John posted:It is a sad day but I think about him whenever I run my trains & remember all the stories he has passed on over the years.We all learned so much from him.
Ted, what do you think he would have to say about the Jets & Patriots game tomorrow?
He will be calling me around 4pm for his $100 bet he will win. Just have to send it to Dottie now!
Regards, Ted
We're all missing Marty. But rest assured, he's somewhere above watching us running trains and watching football. Hard to believe it's been a year already. Thank you all for, well, everything.
Hard to think it’s been a year already. Always think of him when I’m running trains. Miss ya buddy.
It's amazing that it's been a year, I still think of Marty almost every day. I hope he has a great train layout where he is now.
I can't believe it's been a year either just seems like yesterday i saw him walking around TCA York and talking to all his friends and me ! every where he went someone would say hi Marty how you been and what have you been up to . always someone asking him about a train problem and how to test it or repair it! He sure had a lot of Knowledge from all his years of experience! The most common comment about trouble shooting a engine problem was get you to use your VOM out and do continuity checks so you don't burn up boards! Always better to find the shorts or pinched wires before you damage your boards! I think of Him everyday of my life! he is and was a very special person that would help anybody with anything! HOPE YOUR ENJOYING YOUR TRAIN LAYOUT IN HEAVEN! Marty Fitzhenry
He was a great man , truly missed !
Truly sad that he has passed on!! I attached a photo of Marty & the crew from a handful of years back visiting our home layout. That was a great day spending time with all.
Sorry Gerry M. you got blurred out!!! I have more I will have to post.
I've never met Marty, I only got to know him to the extent possible through reading his first layout article in OGR and on this forum over the almost two decades the forum's been in existence (I think he joined about 2 years after I joined). At any rate, what I saw was a man who was obviously passionate about the hobby, but also a very humorous and generous man. I saw his already considerable layout and repair skills evolve over the course of years to where I think he became one of the top command control conversion gurus that has ever graced this forum. The fact that he always invited people regardless of their "status" in the hobby to see and operate on his layout underlies his generosity and spirit of camaraderie I think speaks volumes about him as a human being. I'll certainly miss his contributions to the forum and the hobby, and give my sincere condolences to his family.
Marty was a very special guy, and we're all a little poorer for his passing.
As life goes on we experiences changes and give up or lose things we hold dear. I'm moving out of Massachusetts and have to give up something Marty left to me when he passed, something he held near and dear. His TRAINS license plate. I still have many momentos and memories of Marty to hold me through the rest of my life. I will miss it, but will find an interested trainiac in Massachusetts to pass the plate on to.
Wow Dotty, I'm sure you'll have them lining up at the door for that one! If I were in the state, I'd be one of the herd!
Sorry you have to do that but good luck with the move.
Will we see you at Trainstock? I hope, I hope!!
Dotty, God Bless. You are a great person. It was a great pleasure meeting you. All the best to you!!
Best wishes on your move, Dotty.
I think you you and Marty regularly when York comes around and I go through my of my favorites.....
Met both of you at YORK. Good Luck to you DOTTIE. Safe travels.
I hope your travels are safe. Hopefully we'll see you around either here or at York!
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