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Have an AIU on the MTH DCS system running most of the switch motors on my layout. Both Atlas, MTH, and Gargraves.

No other problems with any other of the motors over the years but found this one melted motor?

What would cause this, it is not set up for non derail, have several of the same type. Have not held down the switch activation button on the remote?IMG_8891IMG_8892


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Original Post

Those motors are supposed to operate instantaneously not continuously. They over heat when allowed to remain on all the time. Several things could cause them to NOT be instantaneous. It may be they are wired incorrectly the controller put power to them all the time. But there is a bigger chance the anti-derail feature is shorted out by the adjacent track sections.

The way the anti-derailment feature works is: If the switch is not set correctly for the approaching train then the switch automatically energizes and sets the switch for the approaching train. It does it by using the short section of track in the V part of the switch before the frog as a switch. Those track section are electrically isolated from the adjacent sections of track. The wheels act as an electrical jumper and set the switch through the actuation of the switch motor. If the adjacent track touches those isolated track sections then it turns the switch motor on all the time, burning up the motor. At least that is my guess. Just make sure those two pieces of short rails in the V of the switch do not touch the track sections plug into the switch. I have six RealTrax switches bough new and all were incorrectly made and allowed the V track section to short out to adjacent track sections. Shortening the V rail sections to produce an electrical gap fixed mine, all six.



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