Menards products are really pretty good.
I've made several orders over the past six months or so - just ignoring the "discount" offered (a "coupon" valid only at the retail location that is useless to me). I don't remember - or chose not to notice at the ordering times - some add-on costs that Menards charges.
That's fine. My decision to go ahead and order.
However, the Menards discount is, as has been discussed, only available to those who live near a Menards store. But, for previous orders, the products seemed to be a good enough value to offset the advertised discount that only applied to someone living near a Menards store. OK. My decision to go ahead and order.
Tonight, I totaled an order for around $230 (excluding the "discount" unavailable to me on the west coast). Good value. Good product.
So, I began the check-out process, and, first, there was a $14 "processing fee" that can only be described as covering part of Menards overhead. Humm
Second came the big surprise: $41 shipping for not heavy (but large) items to the west coast. Humm x 2.
So. Again. I had a product order of $230 PLUS associated costs of $55 -- or almost twenty-five percent of the product total. Granted, I don't have to pay sales tax on the purchase ... but 25% seems high as "necessary costs".
I declined to follow through on this order.
I'm not sure that Menards will receive future orders from me. The add-on total is certainly unexpectedly high for this order and a 25% add-on typically is not found in the toy train industry - at least not in my experience.
My choice for the future is to go back to our traditional toy train dealers for the trains/accessories that I need. I'm not angry or annoyed - I've just become a more informed consumer.