There is a switch to have the owl steady On or Blinking. There is a high pitched whine that pulsates in synchronization with the light "on-off". If you put the sign constant on, the whine is there constantly. More a nuisance when blinking. Is there a way to stop the whine, or live with it. I have heard it on Miller Engineering stuff. It seems it goes with the turf with these electronics.
For what it is worth, I will be using rectifiers and adjustable dc boards to bring the voltage down a bit to get these bulbs to dim a little. Right now, the Red Owl could be used as a surgical ward. Nice and bright.
Hey Bryant,
Welcome to the Neon Sign Club! My Menards Morton Salt Factory does the exact same thing. If you search the forum you will find others with the same issues. Honestly, in the beginning I thought I was going to have to rip my ears off but after some use I have become immune to the wine of the neon sign and have learned to live with it. From what I understand, even the neon signs Miller sells make the humming noise.
I wished someone would have warned me about the noise before I purchased the building but in retrospect, I am glad no one did, as I have since learned to live with it and love the building as is.
BTW, mine is powered with a Full-wave Bridge Rectified DC/DC Buck converted and track power so its not an issue of dimming the lights at all or the PSU you are using.
Hope this helps!