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I attended the show on Sunday. It was a much smaller crowd than what I heard described on Saturday.  I heard that at least one busload of folks came from St Louis, and a van of enthusiastic train people came from Tennessee. The very first booth I walked into had tinplate along trains from other eras. As I went from booth to booth I kept seeing tinplate trains and accessories. I would say that there was more tinplate available at this show than at the last 5 shows I have attended here in Wisconsin combined. Lionel, Flyer, Marx, Ives, Bing and some European trains were represented.  There was a smattering of American Flyer from all eras. (That is what I paid most attention to.)

I had a 15 minute conversation with John Menard - a very warm and personable man.  (I put in a plug for a steam engine.)  The only disappointment was that I didn't get to meet Jack the German shepherd.  He was there on Saturday and was going to be there on Sunday afternoon too. The new releases of buildings and rolling stock are outstanding.  I also had a great conversation with Mark the Menards  Guy.  I met Cabinet Bob and Frank of frank'strains.  I think I spent more time meeting people and talking than I did shopping.  I did my share of shopping though.  Some of the items I bought will show up in future  Tinplate Weekend threads.

It is not a huge show, but very diverse.  If you are in the area and can make it next year I think you will enjoy it and find it is worth the trip.

Northwoods Flyer



Last edited by Greg J. Turinetti
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