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Message from LCCA President Dennis DeVito
LCCA New  Membership Program and Product Updates
Well, it's almost November, the start of the annual train season for many of us as we head indoors to the comfort of our trains and layouts. Time to oil armatures and wheels, align couplers, clean the rails, power up and enjoy the benefits of our hobby. Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Holidays are just around the corner - and our season extends through spring. While personally a winter season train operator, I do envy those who can and do run trains all year long. I look forward to seeing the grandkids playing with trains, silently hoping they will enjoy them as much over time. Rarely have I run across a kid who does not like trains, but have seen far too many grow up with no one nurturing the hobby in them over time. Let me challenge each member to personally nurture a child on the love of trains and see if seeds planted today grow new hobbyist tomorrow.
New Membership Program - To this end, the LCCA is providing renewed efforts and the re-launch our member recruitment program. The BOD has agreed to assist in the growth of our club and our hobby by establishing a "New Member Promo" program for the LCCA. This program is simple - Recruit a new member. When this member lists you as their sponsor on their application, BOTH the new member AND the recruiter member will receive a new LCCA Made in US billboard AND a 3 panel PERSONALIZED billboard insert sheet. There is no limit to the number of members you can recruit to participate. Remember, our Junior Member (JM) program costs have been reduced to $25.00. Buy a JM membership for family member or friend and both you and the JM will receive a billboard and the personalized billboard sheet. We all know folks out there who would love to be in the club and we certainly can find a child to whom we can gift a membership. Most every member says we need to bring in new folks to the hobby. Well here is your chance. Help yourself, help a new member and help the club. To encourage multiple entries, The LCCA offers a convention car to the member who recruits the most new members by December 31. A second convention car will be awarded to the member with the most new recruits by April 30. (For purposes of this contest, Lapsed LCCA members for more than 5 years will qualify as a new member. Lapsed members can be reinstated with their old number if they wish). You have been looking for leadership to improve participation in the hobby - well here it is - now it is time for each member to participate by promoting the club and recruiting new members.
Special Events - the LCCA special events program continues to expand, in scope, venue and excitement. Events range from home visits of magnificent personal layouts to the backroom visits at Disney to rides on real trains - the variety is breathtaking - a tribute to Al Kolis and his winning vision to bring our national club to local members.
October 16 - York, PA - Casual Dutch Treat dinner and social event at Smokey Bones - Wednesday October 16 at 6:30 PM  (1301 Kenneth Road - off of Route 30 and Loukes Road in York) - Special Event. Be sure to stop by if in York and see the COMPLETE Texas Special Train set with all 7 units. The first time they will be together
November 2 - LCCA Returns to Norfolk, VA to visit S-Gauge Layout of Paul Sharp - Special Event. This is a DO NOT MISS if you enjoy American Flyer - both Gilbert and Post Gilbert product.
November 3 - Green Bay, WI - Fourth First Freeze Train Show and Swap Meet - Special Event. This popular event was a huge success last year -  Special Event - 2012 Recap Greenbay, WI
November 08/09 - Concord NC - Meet with the LCCA at the Lionel Warehouse Sale -  Special Event
November 09/10, 2013 - Milwaukee WI - TrainFest 2013 - The LCCA will again be at TrainFest - look us up! - Special Event
November 16 - Chattanooga, TN - LCCA returns to Chattanooga for a home tour with "Autism Speaks" - Special Event
November 16/17 - Westminster, CO - Joint LCCA/CTTG Meet and Auction - Special Event. Huge event - Big Auction.
December 12 to 31 - North Little Rock, AR - Lionel at Laman - Special Event - The annual Three Week event in Little Rock - over 7,000 folks will visit this event - be one of them.
December 7 - Watervliet, MI - Toy Train Auction and Holiday Party at Bob's Hobby shop - Special Event - Not too far from Chicago, Detroit or Indy. Big Auction event not to miss.
December 14 - Leland, IA - Christmas Open House with Bob Ver Hoef and Pam Richardson - Special Event. Annual open house - stop by and say hello to Bob and Pam.
December 14 - Lewisville, NC - Annual Holiday Open House - Special Event. End the year with a visit to the home of this wonderful layout.
Special events are special because LCCA members are there. Check the upcoming events - and try and attend the ones near you. Do not let lack of prior experience nor the fear of uncertainty limit your efforts to call Al and schedule your own event.
Product Updates - There is good news on the product front - long awaited LCCA product is currently scheduled for delivery in calendar year 2013! Exact date is not known, although we have been told to expect product before Dec 31.
The Goliath and the matching showroom cars are scheduled to the LCCA by year end and are expected to be delivered starting in late December.  The tinplate Pioneer set is due in the US by December 15. Those who purchased this set will have an added surprise, Lou Caponi's voice has been digitized and will be on the sound chip of the Pioneer - he will live on in one of his products.
The Texas Special Diesel/calf units are made, waiting for the mint car to be delivered. The prototype of the Mint car will be at York and is expected to be approved there. This product is currently scheduled for a late December arrival with the LCCA.  All three cars of the Texas Special add on set have been approved and are scheduled to the LCCA in late December.
The prototype of our 2013 Convention Car has been approved and final product is expected early next year.
The design of the 2014 Convention Car has been approved and released to produce the prototype car. A change in ordering method would make the 2014 Convention Car available much earlier next year.
The New Lou Caponi Signature Coal Train will soon be announced. Of note, the diesel engine has already been produced. The prototype deco of both cars has been approved. We tentatively expect this entire set to be shipping by Valentine's day. Note - only 500 of these sets are available. They will all come with a color matched billboard frame and a commemorative sheet of billboard inserts. Special efforts were made to get a quick turn around on this wallet friendly set.
These schedules are current as of today, subject to revision. Recent changes in Lionel's production methods and delivery efforts have made us cautiously confident of delivery schedules. While always subject to slippage, current schedules have been more accurate than in the past.
Other News - The LCCA remains active and vibrant.
We are looking forward to another great convention in Indianapolis in July. Details will be published soon - save the dates July 20-26. There will be a few pleasant surprises for attendees.   Whether or not you have recently attended a convention, this is one you would not want to miss. 
Our module system continues to grow, become part of it.
The LCCA will be updating our computer system to allow for digital membership - more on that later.
Election Nominations will be sought soon. Consider throwing your name into the ring for election.
Consider volunteering your time and energy to the club in any of a number of ways. We have needs - and if you are looking for an invitation, consider this a personal invite to volunteer for the club.
In Summary, keep active in the hobby, be proud of the LCCA - it offers a lot to so many. Become a more energetic club member supporting programs and products - Write an article for The Lion Roars or the Interchange Track. Take photos of your layout (Mike Mottler is asking for photos for The Lion Roars) and share them with us. Most of all, have fun with the hobby and enjoy all the LCCA has to offer.
Dennis DeVito
LCCA President
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