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LCCA Christmas Message
Look at the Calendar - DECEMBER 20th, WOW- wasn't it just Summer? This year is just about over. But first, we have two big Holidays to end the month. This is the height of the train season, millions of youngsters get to play with trains, many for the first time. Has anyone seen a child who does not like trains? And often when we run our trains, there are pleasant memories of our distant past with friends and family during the holidays. Let's try to continue and even expand the creation of memories with those around us, especially youngsters. And in a few weeks we start again in a New Year, one we hope is full of Hope and Joy.
Product delivery
LCCA Club Christmas Card to members
Special Events
Product specials
Module Layout
New Member Campaign
JM Program
Convention - first looks
In Closing
Product Delivery
The good, the bad, the ugly
The Goliath, the Showroom Cars and the Pioneer are all scheduled to be shipped to members Dec 30/31 and should be in member's hands by January 15 latest.
The TX Special Diesel/Mint Car set will be delivered to the LCCA by Jan 3. We hope to send out during the next 1-2 weeks and have in member's hands by Jan 24.
The TX Special add on cars are expected to the LCCA by Jan 31. Delivery will start shortly after.
The Reading Coal Train set is expected to the LCCA by Jan 10. This means we might be able to ship this set from stock, immediate delivery, for the first time. Sets are selling fast. Do not miss out on this wallet friendly set - last day to order Jan 31 - The LCCA Store.
2014 Monon Convention Car - on sale at the store- The LCCA Store
LCCA Christmas Card
Be sure to check out our animated LCCA Christmas and New Year's card. Take a look at our card. We also have an online Christmas Theme Billboard Insert which can be cut out and used with your billboards. The PDF file prints out to actual size. link to Christmas Insert, be sure to check out both.
I take this time to personally thank all LCCA members who have contributed to the club over the past year. Those who assisted at the Convention, at our many Special Events, or offered time and energy to advance the club deserve a big THANK YOU!!!
LCCA Special Events
As we approach the busy holiday season, the LCCA Special Events program is moving forward quickly. LCCA President Dennis DeVito has set a goal of reaching out and having direct contact with 2300 LCCA members and their families within the next 12months. We are progressing well to meet this goal and have had a very busy November and December. In just the first two weeks of December alone, we had 11 family friendly LCCA Special Events in South Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Arkansas, North Carolina, Iowa, Florida, Texas and Michigan.
Check out our upcoming Special Events on our website (special events link). There are month long events in NC and AR. There is one in Jacksonville, FL this weekend. Immediately after the new year we will have three January World's Greatest Hobby on Tour shows in OH, TX and PA. If you attend, be sure to announce yourself and be counted.
If there are not any LCCA Special Events scheduled for your area, please contact Al Kolis ( to consider hosting one near you.
Product Specials - Attention Parents/Grandparents:
Lionel Train Sets on Sale! There are several great deals being offered on our website for conventional controlled Lionel Starter sets. These items are priced significantly lower than Lionel’s suggested retail price and will make great gifts for someone who has an interest in getting started with Lionel trains. These exclusive low prices offered are another benefit of being an LCCA member. So take advantage of these great deals and have a Lionel starter set sent to someone you love or care about. While there, check out our other offerings.
Module Layout
If you do not think you have the space in your home to have an operating layout, then you need to think about the LCCA/Lionel FasTrack Modular Railroad layout system. This new national modular layout standard featuring Lionel’s patented FasTrack sectional track sections; is a great way for people who do not have much space in their home to run their trains on a layout.  Anyone from anywhere in the world can build a module section to the specified standard, put it in the backseat of their mid-size car and take it to a train show or friends home to connect with other module sections built by others. Everyone owns a piece of the large layout. This activity is great for a group of friends, any organization such as a Boy or Girl scout group, school or even a corporate sponsored group activity.
For more information and instructional videos, please go to “FasTrack Modular” tab on our website
LCCA Campaign for New Members
A reminder that the Board of Directors of the LCCA has initiated a Campaign for New Members.  The BOD recognizes that as members, we are the best ambassadors to promote the LCCA to our friends, family and associates.  Share the club with others, it will enhance the hobby for the recruited member while at the same time the increased membership will help us all.  The club encourages every member to recruit a new member(s).
On a personal note, I ask and encourage members who know of others who let their membership lapse to invite them to have their membership reinstated, and our New Member Campaign is the time and place to do so.  Lapsed members can get their former LCCA member number re-activated by contacting the Business Office.
This program will offer a wonderful gift to BOTH the new member and the sponsor. Effective immediately, every new member who lists a current member as a sponsor will receive a Billboard Frame and a PERSONALIZED Billboard Insert. See More
About Membership Renewals
If your membership is due 12/31/2013, it is now time to renew. It helps the club when you renew your membership with the first dues notice. Delays in renewal requires that the club spend time and resources in sending additional notices. Help us reduce operating costs. You can renew online in the members section at Or you can copy the membership application form from one of our publications or visit the website, download the form, and send it by U.S. Mail to the Business Office.
Junior Member Program
The LCCA Junior Member Program is now a better value than ever.  With the recent drop in annual dues to $25.00 per member, the JM program offers a great way to encourage youngsters to start in and remain active with model trains.  The LCCA charter promotes the expanding of trains to others, and who better than to younger kids new to the hobby.  Remember, if you get a child to become a Junior Member, you are eligible for the new member promo - earning both yourself and the child a valuable and personalized reward.  The value of the reward is MORE than the membership. So if you gift a Junior Membership to a child, you will receive a gift costing more than the gifted membership.  This is a true win - win - win for the child, you and the LCCA.  Please consider taking advantage of this offer and give a membership to a child for the Holidays. LCCA Gift Membership Page
Convention Update
One of the “WOW” tours will be our train trip on Monday, July 21, as we ride behind the famous Nickel Plate steam engine #765.  This beautifully restored engine from the Fort Wayne RR Historical Society will be on the point with Rich Melvin, publisher of OGR at the throttle.  Riding in the vintage coaches, we will look forward to a couple of photo run-bys as we view the scenery from Kokomo to Logansport and back again, enjoying the central part of Indiana, as we relive the steam days of the ‘40’s and ‘50’s.  Read more
Above: Nickel Plate Steam Engine
Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes from the LCCA President
As we come to the end of 2013 - and we look forward to 2014, you can be proud to be a member of The Best Toy Train Club on the Planet! The club is strong, it is exciting, it is growing, and it is fun. I am glad you are a member of the LCCA!
We are connected by our love of trains, and we should remember that they are to be enjoyed . Perhaps you have added a new set or item this year, or just will play with the equipment you already have. I hope you are able to run your trains and have fun!
Here in Algonquin, IL, it is snow covered and cold outside - a perfect time to run trains. A few friends came over and we set up a small layout under the tree - and are delighted with the sounds and sights of our trains running. The Winter Holidays have always been special to our family, and trains have been an important part of the season. Enjoy the best the Christmas Season has to offer.
From the entire Board of Directors, the LCCA Officers and Appointed Officials and Myself, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season and the Best to you and yours in the New Year.
Dennis DeVito
RM 6758
LCCA President and Fellow Member
Original Post

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